Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It wont be a patch on storm Norma in a few weeks

Then you have the next cluster fuck of trying to get third level operational by the end if September…

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People are completely within their rights to be apoplectic AND seething about the introduction of restrictions that are pure dumb and illogical. They’ve every right to challenge them and seek justification for specific measures, as the GAA are doing.

If sensible, evidence based new / further restrictions were brought in as a package to reduce transmission and backed up by proper explanations, then you’d surely get more buy in. But they continue to ignore areas with large outbreaks and instead target people safely attending matches, for example. It’s obscene.

Are we really at the stage where some lads are happy to accept ANY baffling measure just because it’s not as bad as being locked up in your home? And that those pursuing them be should be free from scrutiny because it’s boring? Jesus Christ.


Bleating about it incessantly on here isn’t questioning anything.

Start a focus group or something

Agree with that. The more dissective tone in questioning was noticable however and that is to be welcomed

Incorrect. It focuses strong minds. A few will of course continue to struggle on that count

You just want to murder old people. Can you not survive without a pint. If you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to fear etc etc etc. Tis easy see how Hitler took over. Bit of fear and it is amazing what people will let you do

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A return to the limelight for this man NECG>NPHET


It’s not her business. Also she’s Cork county board chairperson, which is much more relevant


Christ man, would you just start a focus group. Or something.


Lads making out they’re trying to save the world by posting on tfk.


Is that not you? We want to watch the World burn

I post this with love, but you are a right fucking weirdo.

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I’m like a slow corner back that’s been put on the nippy corner forward while the other 14 cunts are busy moaning at the ref. I’m trying to mind my own corner.

Leave the green brigade out of this and stick to the point at hand

Roman Glynn said earlier in relation to GAA that instead of having 230 people at the game it would now just be 30. Ronan doesn’t even know what the previous rules were.


Well said mate. If the citizen journalists could put forward plans they would like to see implemented that would be great rather than uggggh the gubmint are awful aren’t they.

  1. Pubs open with strict rules, one month closures on infringement.

Or the new ones it would seem.

Meehawl said pubs/restaurants are going from midnight down to 11.30. I found this intersting as at the previous briefing all establishments were informed they had to have an empty house by 11

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