Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Absolutely. Pubs opening within the parameters outlined would be totally acceptable. It looks like there has been a breakdown in communication between the vested interests. That needs to be examined. The vintners have had a fucking nightmare. Instead of focusing on them, they’ve managed to start a sympathy campaign and all the while the publicans are being reamed.

“I’m not allowed have a pint without food so I’m going to throw a tantrum on social media. That will fix them good”


I say more fellas have been injured jumling walls to get into mstches than caught covid watching it

Truly pointless when house parties are all the rage. Just hoping people won’t have them is a strange tactic.

Now to get a politician to accept that argument to try effect change not whinge.

I don’t get the mentality is all. If I was so worked up about something I’d hope I’d try and do something about it.

Lads posting things like, if this was France there would be riots, while scratching their bollocks and not realizing how utterly fucking ridiculous it is, it beggars belief

Politicians are just sticking their fingers in the air. Trying to keep a proportion of the population compliant and trying to measure the nphet recommendations against the impact nationally. It’s not fucking easy

A lot of fuckwits then have the opinion that any decision needs to not affect them personally, in any way, or else fuck them

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Dodgy I love you but you bandwagoned a FF stooge in Independents clothing in ROD and I assume you would do the same thing again in the morning if there was another election, these fellas are only in it for the TDs pay packet.


In contrast to what fellas exactly?

The elephant in the room is we’re potentially only 5-6 weeks away from that Cork-Waterford match from 2004 being shown in full three (3) times per week again. TG4 (Sunday), eir sport or whatever it’s called now (Tuesday) and RTÉ 2 (Thursday).


No subs or match officials is a worth a go in fairness

The measures introduce today were fairly houseparty specific. Have a look. Are you feeling alight buddy? Even for you a lot of your posting is lacking any reason

They are politicians not humanitarians if you are a good bare faced liar you can make it to the top on the back of the gullible, pointless lashing FF after voting for one of their own.

Id take a dictator with balls like Vlad at this stage at least you know where you stand or are buried.

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Love you too, pal.

If ROD fucked over the pubs, the GAA, the sick in the hospital I’d drop him in jig time.

He has his money made, he doesn’t need the TD’s salary (as generous as it is).

I know the likes of the Healy Raes, Mattie McGrath, Michael Collins in West Cork, ROD himself and a few more are figures of ridicule and scorn for the D4 set but there’s a reason they get voted in. The fight like dogs for their constituents and make no apologies for doing so.

Do you think even one cabinet minister stood up today and said “some of these proposals are ludicrous, we can’t seriously proceed with them.”?


The vast majority of politicians are either weirdos or cunts, across all parties.

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They’ll be showing Glenroe this winter if we aren’t careful.

You’re not a real gaa man if you’re not making a bland joke about this on twitter

Would love a journalist to stand up and ask, did any of ye read this shit aloud before presenting it to the nation? Meehawl is done, fucking useless. Hit he’s ambition in life and that’s it.
Another useless Cork cunt


Delighted for Micheal Martin that he will be seen as the worst Taoiseach of all time and one of the shortest serving


If they bring back the Sunday game in October even with a cancelled championship i’m afraid the strain might be more than I could bear.

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Really considering booking a week in Spain in September. What’s the point in not going at this stage

There’ll be snitches* at the airport who’d rat you out to your employer or family and friends.

*not @Batigol

2 adults return for a week