Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

1 death 25 new cases.

New cases slightly up again. Highest since June 13.

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9 cases in Dublin. 5 in Waterford, 3 in Kildare , 1 in Limerick, 1 in Sligo , 2 in Westmeath, 2 in Wicklow. 1 Cavan 1 Donegal

They definitely need to release more detail on who’s getting it and in what situations. Or are they already?

Waterford people very pleased with the low case numbers for the county. 5 is a big jump for them

Homesick Muldoons coming back from disease ridden shitholes.

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The belief is it’s fellas from South Kilkenny bringing it into the town shopping.



My Mrs is gone into self isolation the day before we were heading down home for a week :cry:

She has at best very mild symptoms but had to call the doctor because she was due to work today.

Had to ring the out of office doctor. He said she’s to self isolate, ring her GP on Monday and get them to refer her for a test. She wanted to start the process now. Rang the doctor back and asked any chance of a test this weekend and he gave her some HSE number. Rang them . Were very helpful but said they don’t do referrals but the on call doctor should be able to do it. Rang him back for the third time and said he couldn’t refer her as he doesn’t have a computer :man_shrugging:

Our one chance to get down home this summer.

He doesnt have a computer? Does he operate via pigeon? There’s surely a doctor somewhere in the vicinity that can do it?

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Is it a witch doctor? What doctor doesn’t have a computer or even a phone to make the referral?

Weekend mate, so you’re sent to the out of office guy in the hospital who basically hung up on her after the third call

All the screaming Mary’s on here attacking their mother’s and lads who walk dogs in isolation — and not a bad word about the shocking state of the system in place … instead they want to unveil statues to wankers like Leo and Holohan


It’s good to know medical attention isnt needed on weekends … no wonder we have no virus deaths on weekends either - even the virus takes a few days off …

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I’m fucking livid here mate tbh, and trying not to sound selfish about it all in the big picture

drive over the border and they’ll have her treated and cured by tea time.

Oh don’t get me started on those cunts. Fucking sickening carry on. Holohan, varadkar and Harris were saved by the virus. Those screaming Mary’s forgot about the way harris and varadkar treated the frontline staff before the virus and Holohan over seeing the shit show that was cervical check.

You’ve every right to be livid from what your saying. Your doing everything correctly and your wife has to wait till Monday for a test. Have they hit the 15000 test capacity a week in 5 days?

She has to wait until Monday to have a test booked for here …it will probably be the following week when she gets it.

And imagine if it’s positive… A week may have passed, what about tracing?? All the people she may have been in contact with floating around potentially infecting people…

What a fucking country.

Didn’t they tell her to stay under the bed? What more do you want?