Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Lads I’m fucking boiling here. The Mrs is in in bits. Again, I don’t want to be petty. She hasn’t seen her brothers and nieces since Christmas day and this was her chance. Even if we got a test in over weekend or Monday, we’d have some hope of getting down for a couple of days if all is ok. She can be an anxious enough woman. She won’t deal with this well at all.

Again, I feel selfish having a vent about all of this, but I’m very close to giving the wall a kick and that usually ends up badly for me . I don’t have much of a temper, but when I lose it, I fucking lose it. Maybe once every few years. I’m fucking boiling up here

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The app?

Seems to be the height of it in this country alright… there’s a few lads here who can’t remember life outside the underneath of their bed.

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Could ye book an air BnB and go down and visit at a social distance, spend a few days in the back garden at various houses

What about it… Symptoms can take 14 days to appear…could be pre app.

She’s got the app, but wouldn’t have her phone with her at work. In close contact with ten other staff.

But theres no way of stopping spreading pre symptoms

Dont worry about it.

Can you drive into Croker? Demand that you can
A family member was in and results within 2 days.

You are entitled to be pissed off. Sorry about that.

I’d drive anywhere to be honest

Call your doctor or even the emergency dept. Say you will drive to a testing centre

Lads I’m after getting a dose of perspective. A friend of friends that I had a few chats with over the years had some ongoing health problems. Got over covid. Then he collapsed on street today and died. About 40

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Our doctor number sends us to this moron

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Desperate news. I feel very selfish whinging now tbh

Go rub one out mate, you’ll be the better for it

I wouldn’t call you selfish for being pissed off, if you were like fuck it we go anyway and ignore the advice that would be selfish. I think 4 months into this situation the turn around should be hours from reporting to test thats the frustrating thing. Your doing the right thing and fair play to you. Vent away here

Sure I don’t even have a spare 90 seconds to that these days in peace

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The Irish public sector, ladies and gentlemen. Built for the people who work in it, designed to serve them, the public are an inconvenience.