Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Science and the Civil Service is failing us. We need to outlaw both.

Yeah just you.

This Luke O’Neill donkey is robbing the country blind.

Christmas best seller. Its not a book you’ll buy yourself but an in law will get you as you’ve been talking about the coronavirus all year.


Ok guys. Just because it confirms your prejudices doesn’t make it a great article. It makes two pointS, NZ is not in the EU and doesn’t have a land border and repeats them over and over.


It’s a better article than what has gone before and I will contact this man for my new political group, which might be a lobby group if I cant get the numbers to start a political party.

I thought Michael O’Leary’s interview wasn’t that great either. He was right about what he was saying but he was needlessly aggressive with his interviewer. She was just doing her job and robustly testing his opinions.

Nope, it’s more than that.

It calls for cooperation with the U.K. and the EU. Despite their recent travel bans, the U.K. have been closer to the EU approach than Ireland. There is a set template that Ireland could have got involved with regarding travel, instead we went for a fraction of the agreed EU level. Why? Because it was our level at the time and was a fudge. NPHET don’t want anyone travelling and quarantines, the Government can’t/won’t commit to that so go for an unhappy medium approach.

In other respects the article makes good points. Decisions need to be made with all stakeholders involved, that includes businesses. We cannot have another LOK situation, where the economic consequences were thought about afterwards.

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Ireland is failing in its strategy because they have no clearly defined plan. The 2 approaches are Zero covid and suppressing the virus completely and the other option is to learn to live with it. At the moment we are trying to do a bit of both. He has debunked the feasability of suppressing the virus completely which has been discussed frequently on here so the only viable option is to learn to live with it. There has not been much media attention or column inches extolling the virtue of the latter approach because you have a cohort of self serving people wanting to drag this out indefinitely for a goal that is not achievable. The populist side seems to be for eradication and with that comes book deals, slots on tv shows and celebrity status.


Even Magic Mike from the WHO says that Zero Covid is not a realistic basis for a strategy.

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The main point is we’re part of the EU and should be following what they’re doing.

I was impressed with Michael O Leary. There is an omerta when it comes to questioning the government and NPHET and he alluded to that. If he said nothing else in the interview then it was worthwhile. Note Mary Wilson had no retort to this question. Secondly he asked her why Ireland is deviating from all other countries in EU in its approach. Countries where case loads were half or two thirds of what Irelands is like Italy, Germany, Austria. Poor aul Mary asserted “maybe all those other countries are wrong and we are right”. Like something an 8 year old would say. In short he made shit of her.


I agree with this. Of course this virus is difficult to predict but there have to be some constants in relation to the future.

Usual thing is happening here. Government not communicating what their plan is (meant to be doing something in the next few week, I wouldn’t hold my breath), not knowing what their plan is, vested interests having their say, conflicting actions proposed. It doesn’t bode well for the future.

It seems to me that NPHET and the restrictions have been destroyed by the simple fact that other reputable mainstream countries (I’m not talking about Sweden) have eased their restrictions and have lower case rates than us.

I have previously found that Lambert fella needlessly aggressive and argumentative, almost as if he wanted to be noticed.

Yeah and the constants in relation to the future are important metrics in ascertaining if your plan is working. If you have a plan with a goal in mind, then what is the point in changing other variables like numbers of people outdoors, household contacts etc. How will you be able to see if you are on track or if it is a success. In first year business in secondary school they teach you about a SMART plan. Add in schools to the equation shortly and you can see why they are running for cover. Sitting leaving cert in August would have been a good trial run but they bowed to populist agenda again.

But what planet are they on currently when on the one hand they plan opening up schools and on the other the are urging serious caution for the rest of the population? It’s the same bloody environment in both cases.

It strikes of bullheaded forcing through the schools and ignoring the advice, while trying to make up for it with the remainder of the population.

Of course you have

A prophet is never appreciated in his own land


Yes ironically there are countries not on the green list who have lower case loads than us. You can understand why O Leary is exasperated. It makes no sense and NPHET is making it up as they go along. This is an unelected quango and we are not even sure of the composition or qualifications of this group who seem to be “advising” but ultimately deciding the future which the government is happy to abdicate responsibility to.

Governments are never happier than when they have advice to follow. That way they can blame someone else.


yes and maybe they had 3 coughs and a few sniffles between them- but oh shur look its a desperate affliction - these madmen could now start charging into nursing homes spreading it to the only people who were ever actually impacted because nobody else was except a minute % of the population…
this caused the fucking fatality data to be seriously skewed due to a certain aspect of the population who are in nursing homes, not pubs, gah grounds, schools, ham factories, queer bars in dublin but fucking nursing homes,christ above
lock down the country lads…

fuck me