Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Incoherent planning.

He would love this site then

I get the feeling that they dont particularly want to open the schools and are shitting it but because every other country is doing so and so to get the economy moving again that this is a risk that is not in the trade off category. It is a must and every other decision can live or die. Plus there are all other considerations like development of kids, their futures, parents being able to work and the inevitable backlash if they didn’t go back to school.

I agree. It is a must. But that doesn’t mean that you are careless with when they are reopened.

In fairness to them, yes, that’s exactly what they were trying for.

Thanks mate.

Civil Servants scrambling since the announcement.

It’s as if they are taking tips from the clowns over here.

One of the biggest issues with the last couple of weeks is that decisions are being made in extremely short time-frames. A series of changes quickly agreed during the week which were a pick n’ mix from the NPHET recommendations with no-one sitting down to assess how they fitted or contradicted with each other or with previous advice. These are then further compounded by incoherent communications - again largely due to the speed of decision-making. They’d have been better off taking a couple of days to pick their way through it.


We have to hold on to hope. This great country of ours, the land of saints and scholars.
We can do this, we will do this

Thank you

Now here is Aslan


You see it on here even. Lads giving out that fellas are unhappy with having a heap of their freedoms ripped away by an unelected quango.

Wilson’s “maybe they’re all wrong and we’re right” answer was laughable. Either she’s been instructed to defend NPHET at all costs or she was just being adversarial for the sake of it. Or both.

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If there’s anyone here not working today they could do worse than plot out case numbers and deaths for a load of countries and show how common this is. I was looking at Spain on Worldometer - they’ve had another surge in cases over last few weeks but deaths remaining low. This could bring TFK into the mainstream.

The decisions NPHET are making involve a balancing of the rights of different sections of society (eg. the rights of little kids who want to play under 8s GAA vs the rights of meat barons who want to avoid paying their agency workers sick pay). Those sorts of decisions are inherently political, regardless of whether they’re made by a doctor or an elected official.

The government can’t just hide behind a shield of “NPHET advice” and NPHET advice can’t be above scrutiny, especially in circumstances where the papers are now claiming that during Dr. Tony Holohan’s tenure that advice was written with government input.

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@Bandage summed it up correctly. Tuesday was one of the darkest days since the foundation of the state. The monstrous impositions imposed on the Irish people by a bunch of clowns was an affront on civil liberties.


Civil liberties out the window. People wearing masks to go to the shop to buy bread and milk

What frightens me is there is a lot people cheerleading it, mary wilson, @EstebanSexface and the likes of maori Mike


I was just thinking about what that mary wilson one said to Michael O’Leary, “settle down there now” like talking down to a schoolboy, Thank God he absolutely roasted her

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Once Irish people allowed wet pubs be shafted the medical dictatorship knew well they could get away with anything they wanted.