Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

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I never heard of her . Had she ever a profile ??

She is one of the Kitts.


In fairness, I would you know. ( With a mask on of course)

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Her or you ??

The public anger that’s already emerging from this is fairly ferocious.

Like with SwingGate, when ordinary people see public representatives taking the piss it provokes so much fury.

This story will drag on for many more days.

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I for one welcome our new Sinn Fein overlords


One look at that stupid muppet show head on Calleary & you could tell he’s a walking cluster fuck. As for the big ignoramus Phil, that man will just shit into your mouth & wipe his arse with your feelings.

Ronan Glynn said this evening its OK for 1 parent to stay at a childs training/match

FF are an omnishambles. From bean to cup they fuck up.

FF will do well to have speaking time in next Dail


The problem they have is that it’s simple. This isn’t some convoluted political or legal controversy. Everyone can understand it and in the week they’ve had it’s dynamite.

I honestly think the only way they survive at all is if Calleary and Hogan go as a minimum and in tandem Martin and Varadkar come out and say they’ve made a bollox of the changes this week and fix them.


As you said earlier, all it will take is one to get the sniffles. I’m betting g now theres not a hope in hell of the schools opening in a weeks time.
Of course if Donnelly had any balls, hed resign in protest. Will he? Will he fuck

The Greens and FG will rightly want a head .

The sad thing is that Calleary is probably the best Fianna Fail have

The GAA again lead the way in reflecting the mood of the nation


Hard luck.
I hope your son-in-law is ok.

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That cunt Hogan will ride it out of course


There’ll be 50,000 at Limerick v Clare


You’ve summed it up very concisely there…totally agree

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