Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Based on the outrage and to stop gatherings of this sort I’m predicting that further restrictions will be put in place. No dog walking and farming activities to be limited to 2 people from the same House. Based on the data I’ve pulled from my arse thats where thw clusters are occurring. Not golf clubs or politicians

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They made a child cry.


Holy fuck, how the fuck did they think they’d get away with this?

Nah he’s the de luxe bogger politician, nothing more nothing less. That said wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of sophisticat himself Stephen Donnelly’s mob that ratted them out so soon. This is senior hurling after all, fellas are fighting for their spots.
Anyone thinking this shower give any kind of a flying fuck about something as trivial as a pandemic genuinely wants a smack

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TNHish ???

A minor game say ???

At this rate Team Lowry could surpass them

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A technical group with the 3 Healy Raes

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Top notch sleuthing, @Smark would be impressed. While invoking the word impress, what an impressive list of cunts are on display there. Many, of course, are national figures but sliding in (their permanent style of movement) are a pair of Leitrim FG stooges, Drumshanbo’s Enda McGloin and former Oireachtas member Gerry Reynolds. He’ll get it in the neck from me if we clash later on.
@Fat_Pox post deserves a “Good reply” at the minimum.


This is a very rare instance of TFK struggling to keep up with Twitter and not the other way around. Paddy Cosgrove calling for revolution.

Fucking judges breaking the law

Lads, can I just say - THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED. This is exactly what the country needed. The lockdown is over after tonight.


I genuinely can’t get my head around what was going through their thick fucking heads. The nation was in uproar yesterday over the new restrictions and they all toddle off to fucking Clifden to ignore the same restrictions. It’s like the iodine tablets, the gondolas, Padraig Flynns 3 gaffs and Brian Lenihans ‘on mature recollection’ rolled up into one big clusterfuck.


Paudge Connolly at table 8 is some sleevin cunt of a weasel. A Monaghan independent elected years ago on a “save Monaghan hospital” single issue ticket, betrayed the hospital completely, ended up either missing a key vote or voting against it because he spent his entire tenure on the piss with the Fianna Fail lads at the Dail Bar and effectively acted like a FF TD at all times. Now years later after he lost his seat he goes to this just because he loves the scene and the schmooze so much. An absolute wanker. His son was in my year of the Sem and he’s nice, I feel sorry for him.


Sinn Fein will role in with 87 seats

It’s also hilarious.

Just spotted Frank Fahy and Noel Dempsey there. A pair of cunts I’d almost forgotten about. Delighted for them both.


Like we say this a lot but, you could not make this story up.

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That judge, Seamus Wolfe, is currently on the Supreme Court and was Leo’s AG.

@iron_mike , you can still get evens with PP for SF to have most seats after the next GE, maximum bet €112. Suffice to say that I just maxed that out.

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It’s sort of fitting that when we finally get a Grand FFG coalition they deliver an absolute belter of a scandal that shames both parties equally. A grand scandal.


I’ve already had to change my colostomy bag twice in the last two hours

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