Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Sorry, that’s not good enough. The guidelines are clear for everyone. Blaming the Hotel isn’t gonna fly.

The Indo.

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This is all absolute bullshit — aside from corona it’s taking from all the other political issues that urgently need attention.

Calleary is gone - move on ta fuck.

No. I want to dance on some graves

How has one FG senator resigned and not the other one?

We went Phils head on a pitchfork

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You said shill a lot, and made no explanation as to why what SF did at the funeral was different. You claimed I brought up SF, false. You made a claim about SF being in an outdoor space, which was false.

If you had a “substantive” point, you still have time to make it.

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He hasn’t resigned as a senator, only from his pretend job

I wasn’t going for him but that statement has me annoyed now.

The Supreme Court judge is a more serious business. He really has to go. How can be impose the law now?

I’d love to see the correspondence from the hotel to Phil regarding his safety.

Resigned as leas Ceann Comhairle, not as senator I think

he screwed on a number of fronts. beaks shouldnt be mixing socially with politicos


The substantive point has been made.

Your contribution to this thread as pointed out has been.

  • The guy who was in the Workers Party
  • Bobby Storey’s funeral

On an issue relating to senior establishment figures openly flouting their own rules. Did you get every brain cell in your head extracted out when you were in Templemore?

A supreme court judge caught up in that is a big news story but not surprising

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Has it been ascertained yet that the hotel was in breach of the regulations? If they were the book should be thrown at the hotel and everyone there, including criminal prosecutions.

I would have thought that any hotel owner or manager worth his/her salt hosting an event like this would have got sign off in advance that an event such as this was compliant with regulations.

Where is this substantive point?

AFAIK the regulations havent been given a legal basis as yet

Interesting. The HSE was telling people in direct provision in writing that they were legally enforceable and people have a legal obligation to follow them.

The leak of this story could be a very innocuous one like a parent of a waiter/waitress or someone collecting the glasses who may have had to make huge personal sacrifices and clearly had enough of the double standards. Or a bar owner in the locality who has seen his livelihood disappear. Since the Thomas Byrne and Barry Cowen incident there seems to be a concerted effort within govt ranks not to be airing dirty laundry in public and leaks back to media about cabinet meetings have dried up.