Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I want Phils head on a pike


Shill, shill, shill. I win

Is that how this works?

The low hanging fruit of the hotel under scrutiny now…

Gardai have launched a formal investigation into the Oireachtas Golf Society function held at a Galway hotel this week.

Over 80 people including the now-former Agricultural Minister Dara Calleary attended the event at the Clifden Station House Hotel.

The event was held to mark its 50th anniversary at the Station House Hotel in Co Galway on Wednesday evening just hours after new Covid-19 restrictions on indoor gatherings were announced.

An investigation into alleged breaches of public health regulations legislation is now underway.

A garda spokesperson said: "An Garda Síochána is investigating an event that was held in Co. Galway on the 19th August, 2020 into alleged breaches of The Health Act 1947 (Section 31A-Temporary Restrictions) (COVID-19) (No.3) Regulations 2020, as amended.

“As this is an active investigation An Garda Síochána has no further comment.”

The inquiry will focus on the organising of the event rather than individual people who attended the function.
It comes after senator Jerry Buttimer has resigned as Leas-Cathaoirleach of the Seanad following Dara Calleary’s resignation as Minister for Agriculture this morning.

Calleary and Buttimer were among over 80 people who attended an Oireachtas Golf Society dinner.

In a letter to Cathaoirleach of the Seanad, Mr Buttimer said his attendance at the event has “compromised the Government at a time when people, across every sector of Irish society, are doing their best to keep all safe during this global pandemic.”

“It was an unintended but serious lapse of judgement in attending the event. I should not have attended the dinner and I hereby tender my resignation as Leas Cathaoirleach of Seanad Eireann to the Cathaoirleach of the 26th Seanad. I apologise unreservedly for my actions this week,” he said.

“For the last six months, this country has come and worked together, to defeat Covid-19. It is an ongoing battle and our collective societal response is important and our individual actions matter. I wish everyone every success in this fight.”

How it works is that you get found out talking through your arse.

It’s more overwhelming proof that you are an establishment shill.

Sean Fleming is one of the good guys in Leinster house. Always has been

Cullinane walked himself into this one, getting traction in the north now

He seems to be a bit thick


He can’t help himself

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the howls of outrage have reached seamus woulfe and he is considering his position.

That’s a reasonable defense to be honest. He’s not even resident here anymore and if he quarantined for 2 weeks then he should be commended.


They have in their fuck

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Not being resident here puts him above the laws of the land?

Evidence please?

apparently phil has photographic proof that he quarantined


“Drew, we’re taking a bit of heat at the moment.

Will you send a Guard out to the owners of the hotel and remind them of their obligations. An auld press release that you are investigating the lads having a few pints the other night wouldn’t go amiss either. Cheers.”

He was assured by a business that they would be fully compliant. Maybe he should have got up and left but it’s easier said than done. People don’t like him for the water thing but he has nothing to answer for here imo.

If and when I resort to CAPS LOCK, I’ll know I’m truly desperate

He’s a high ranking, influential political figure in Irish politics - presumably paid by the Irish tax payer.

Him openly flouting the laws of the land leaves him open to scrutiny at the very least. “The hotel told me it was grand” doesn’t really cut it.


A Monday morning quarter back

Coming up with something substantive would be a better idea for you.
