Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

The canaries are safe, closer to Morocco than Spain. They should have been on the green list.
That’s another argument however and she should suffer the same as any other politician getting it in the neck

Is there community transmission lads?

Put on the green jersey everyone
Yes we can

Hold Firm

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Hold the line.

Flatten the curve.

Wash your hands


Stay the course

6 and 15

Italy is beautiful. I want to propose to my future wife in Verona.

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Time to go back to phase one

In May when there was no cases and the sun was splitting the rocks we were locked up like caged animals. It made no sense.

Firstly, collective cabinet responsibility and the money in his wife’s account.

He has a reputation across the service of being a ditherer and indecisive. Ask for a report then let it gather dust.

Apart from that I’m sure he’s a grand chap, for a carkie

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You forgot “in it together”. Understandably

Did the yellow vest son-in-law travel @anon67715551?

I feel sorry for lads like you. Young lads. The way of life you knew and loved is gone forever. There is a savage erosion of civil liberties taking place in Ireland and a reset of social norms.


It’s easy for anybody to feel selfish in this situation. One things for sure the government have insured we aren’t all in this together anymore.

Massive. Constitution being thrown out the window


Alan Kelly has been the real leader of the opposition. A very capable politician.

His big motivation at the moment is to get the head of Big Phil. There’s be serious bad blood there since Kelly inherited Big Phil’s water charges mess. Big Phil is best buddies with Michael Lowry as well which would drive Kelly demented.

Do the right thing