Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

There’s imbecilles actually cheerleading it

You are seen as a “far right extremist” if you disagree with this nonsense.

Or you are selfish and want to murder someone’s auld fella

You must want all the old people dead if you want to stand on a bank and watch a game.

Some countries stood up and confronted this thing head on and some went jumping under their beds. This whole thing has set Ireland back about 50 years as a society


You see simpletons like that @Thomas_Brady chap falling hook, line and sinker for that one… disagree with your rights been stripped and society shutting down then its far wight. Just another way of keeping the plebs quiet in project fear

Any auld stock pining for a pint and a game of 25 down his old local will soon be appearing on Crimewatch for murder

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Fat fucks in tracksuits fighting… That’s your class of person is it?

There’s a large part that want Ireland put back 50 years

Theres an awful lot of begrudgery in Ireland.

A lot of people hate to see others enjoying themselves.


I didn’t really look at the video, I just agree with the sentiment of protesting the lockdown and thought I’d have a pop off you at the same time. Tracksuits are for chavs.

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ratting out the neighbour over break restrictions

With the schools going back this coming week RTE made sure to stir it up and duly obliged with reports of schools in Berlin who were riddled with the virus. They wont rest until they have whipped everyone into a frenzy. You’re a neo nazi if you dont think guards have a god given right to waltz into your home or if you dont want to wear a mask. Totally bizarre.


People who don’t want a police state are Nazis now. You couldn’t make it up


you dont know how good you have it

‘Who’s wearing a tin foil hat now’?


I’ve no problem with people protesting, I’ve echoed many of their sentiments here about masks and what not… But why do they need to wave Irish flags ? … ethno nationalism is slowly on the rise here. It’s hate filled and very dangerous. We simply can’t let it take a foothold… Many of those cunts protesting today are bigots and racists and should not be encouraged.


The problem is these cunts will jump on anything for notice and in doing so ruin it.

In fairness to Gylnn he said very clearly yesterday that there is strong evidence that child to child transmission and child to adult transmission is very low and the risks to children is extremely low.

He was missing all day yesterday tbf.Im sure he was flat out