Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

giphy (11)

Read the article. If you think he’s a loss to society then fair enough. I think he’ll get a nomination for a Darwin award.

Racists cause anti racists protests shocker.

You can’t get COVID 19 at woke protests. We had one here in the middle of a strict lockdown and not one member of our government had an issue with it.

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Do you think all those marching in the streets without masks deserve to die as well, because of their “stupidity”?

Moron makes moronic statement, no shocker.


Did you issue a grovelling apology for the racism yet?

Nope. Are you happy when anyone who has a different point of view from you dies?

Sad I had to descend to your moronic level,but I have to try get through to you

Listen kid, I might not be the brightest bulb in the room, but I’m smart enough to know when I’m being filleted like a rare steak and back away. I’ve learned the hard way. You’ve been absolutely taken apart here and the more you try and defend yourself, the more open you leave yourself. You’ve e barraged yourself by taking a cheap shot at someone you didn’t know from Adam. You put baby in a corner and now you cant get her out.

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Lolz. So you’re doubling down on the old racism then? You’re some clown.

Whatever. He’s no loss.

Good man Mike. Tell that to his mother the next time you see her… oh wait

Why is it you cannot answer a question? My impression is it’s because you are as dumb as a box of rocks, but maybe I’m wrong and you can redeem yourself.

Is it racist to be opposed to the organization BLM?

Are all people who die from Covid stupid and “no loss”? Keep in mind most people who have died have no idea how they contracted it, and we only recently started advising people to wear masks.

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So all the young people acting stupidly deserve to die as well? You sound like a psychopath.

Shur if you were to take his logic to the extreme, the twelve month old who was killed in New York over the weekend was no loss either

Nice avatar. Thomas Sowell?

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“Once you never forgave anybody and judged people without mercy. Now you see your own weakness, so you can understand the weakness of others.”

Franz Jägerstätter

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There’s a few on here that could do with having a listen to him.

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Absolutely. Speaks facts and has pragmatic advice that would actually help America become a fairer society but BLM won’t hear of it. Anyway, we’re on the wrong thread. But the man is a legend

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No surprise the usual mob justice vulture crowd are no match for @mikehunt

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