Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Look at whether he was or wasn’t a racist, you claim is irrelevant to this thread while at the same time calling him a racist on this thread :man_shrugging:. I wouldn’t walk out the door if I was you, you’ll probably meet yourself walking back in

I’m taking limp wristed jabs from lads who won’t read and lads that can’t.

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What convinced you in the article that he was a racist?

You’re celebrating someone’s death,when he did absolutely nothing to you, just held some opinions you don’t agree with. That’s all sorts of wrong.


The man abused his own mother for buying his child a birthday card…

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Yeah you’re even having cheap shots at lads marriages. Go to bed kid. Go to bed

This is a low point for the forum


Unfortunately we’ve hit plenty of lows in the last few weeks but I take your point, this was particularly nasty.

Give it a rest with @mikehunt ye cunts.

You’re upset a racist died from stupidity?

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Sheriff big balls arriving in to dictate again… Go shit in your hat you prick.


To get back to your original question to me. What has being a racist got to do with covid?

What is your evidence that he was a racist? The only thing I can find in the article is that he opposed the organization BLM. That doesn’t make him a racist, except in your empty head, plenty black people oppose BLM.

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Opposing BLM makes your death karma these days :roll_eyes:

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Keep digging

You’re a self confessed racist so get down off your high horse.

Like 2 apples in a shopping bag.

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You’re a confirmed moron

Strangely enough the hundreds of thousands out protesting without masks over the past month who are directly responsible for the surge in Covid 9 cases in the US didn’t get Mike’s attention. Apparently these people are really smart.