Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

No, that would be you over on the racism thread where you asked people to put up evidence of your racism which you forgot existed.

Jaysus, the mob got rightly stuck into @mikehunt last night, embarrassing stuff

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So you can’t defend your brain-dead position from two posts ago. Got it.

What part of the Government do you work in? It seems like a very bizarre stance to suggest that a soldier engaged in armed combat with another group of soldiers or militants is a “murderer”. You’re a very dumb and dangerous bigot to have working in the Public Service.


Which one of his comments are you supporting? Or is it all of them?

Maybe you should nominate him here Mike:

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You were justifying killing off all the old people only a few months ago

I’ll join the queue.

I don’t go in for it myself but I never realised that speaking ill of the dead was such a dreadful crime on TFK

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So you are all for taking delight in someone’s death now also? - It was merely pointed out to him how shit an outlook that is and he just dug and dug and dug — Continuously adding ‘fat’ and ‘racist’ to his rants to justify his glee in another human’s death … but because Maroon and Labane have come down on him you’re now taking his side - which is even more bizarre a stance.

The INTERNET is a weird place.

What’s up with the avatars here?

I have grand relations with both @maroonandwhite and @Tierneevin1979, I’m sure they’ll both agree.
I’m not black and white at all mate

I underestimated the love on TFK for stupid fat racists. It is a well I intend to tap in to more regularly.

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Ok, you’re just jumping in for the oppressed … got ya.

I call it as I see it, those two lads and @ironmoth are the absolute finest with me, we’d all agree on plenty of things,
To my reading @mikehunt made a comment about the lad that died, maybe in bad taste but in other circumstances most people would have agreed that he looks a bit stupid (and dead) now, it’s 100% faux outrage, if you can’t see that then I just don’t know

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they’re the hypocrisy police these days. If you post about something they’ve argued with you on, they’ll gangbang you for a few days.

That’s the way it’s gone now I suppose

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Both sides from last night may find themselves in a tricky situation soon. If some wokester falls off the top of a statue he was trying to topple and gets killed the supermacists won’t be able to laugh and poor aul Mike hunt won’t be able to say a word to them if they do.

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Total cases on the Covid tracker app. 25638.

Add up the totals for all the individual counties you get 25627.


Mike doubling down - and still now - ‘Stupid fat racist’ and taking delight in his death just to justify hiding under his bed … But yeah, everyone else is the issue here. :+1: