Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

So he’s not allowed to be edgy. Got it. Only previously edgy lads can do the edgy thing

Your compassion for your fellow man is admirable.

I always thought TFK stupid racist crew didn’t go in for compassion but it turns out they are very compassionate when it’s one of their own.

I’ve no problem with a bit of edge — But dancing up and down with glee when some one dies is a bit warped… the digging in to justify it show’s he knows he’s wrong.

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Are you suggesting i’m a racist now because i’ve taken the wrong ‘side’ here?


I’m not sure you’re in a position to preach on internet etiquette after that incident with the politician.

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That makes me an authority if anything - you should listen to the voice of experience trying to guide you.

I didn’t see anyone dancing up and down with glee.

What would make you think that?

I guess what the TFK stupid racist crew are trying to say is, if that big fat stupid American could die of covid then maybe I could too. And it’s been a wake up call for them. They are now woke.


You should have given that guidance to your buddy who needed it. I wouldn’t be one for posting stuff that necessitates a rebrand anyway.

It takes very little prodding to get the lefty do gooders to expose themselves as frauds on here … the hatred pouring out of them is a joy to see …


Disgusting post


We’re going to need Detective John Kimble.

A parody of themselves.

Surely you’ve a fancy word for what’s going on here

Seethe … lots of it. The lefty head bangers are doing what lefty head bangers do when pushed a little - exposing themselves as angry and hate filled. Their chieft leader , who wont be named, was a prime example of it – his lieutenants are doing him proud here. Expect a doxxing any minute now.


Mike doesn’t want to admit he’s been woked.

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I’m alright jack. You’re obviously not.

Maybe we should cancel them. Oh wait…

Like yourself Mike - I’d just like a bit of balance to proceedings – i’m all for a bit of edge as the man says but i’ll call out extreme behaviour on any side.

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