This was sent to me over the weekend.
Hi All
My friend who is a doctor posted this and its quite a good breakdown of what to do in a suspected case. Thought I’d pass it on.
The latest National Paediatric Guidelines, (as they currently stand)……
IF your child has a snotty nose, maybe sneezing and NO TEMP OF 38 and OVER And NO cough
IF the child has had NO COVID CONTACTS
However, You are asked to keep your child at home for 48 hours, to monitor them for ANY new symptoms, which might develop or for any deterioration.
*There is no need to phone the GP, unless you have a specific CLINICAL CONCERN, in this category.
The criteria for us organising a COVID TEST , is much the same for an adult:
- Fever greater than or equal to 38
- New cough, shortness of breath or Deterioration in existing respiratory symptoms
- Loss of taste of smell, or taste or altered sense of taste
- Minor respiratory symptoms, in a child who has other ill contacts, is part of an outbreak or is a contact of a proven case.
• Special consideration is to be given to any child who is immunocompromised , or had an acute illness , needing hospital admission and we have a lower threshold for testing in this group
What to do if a test is indicated?
Then you phone the GP surgery.
We will triage your call and organise a test.
Whilst waiting for the test result, The child must self isolate and the whole household must RESTRICT their movements. (ie ) no school , no work… etc, pending the result.
If the result is negative: then the child continues to self-isolates for 48 hours until after the symptoms but the family no longer restrict their movements.
IF the result is positive, then the child must self isolate for 14 days. The last 5 days MUST be fever free. The household must restrict their movements for 14 days.
If you have a fever or respiratory symptom, please ALERT US TO this FACT. DO NOT ATTEND THE SURGERY , with these symptoms, unless we have instructed you to do so.
Please give as much information, as you can, over the phone.
So , should you need to attend the surgery, then your time here will be as short as possible and we can focus immediately on the clinical examination.
In order for us to protect and treat you, we must PROTECT OURSELVES.
Cohorting patients I feel helps to protect us all and yet continue to provide a service.
Thank you
Dr. Sinead Sheehan
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