Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Get back under your bed like a good little lad

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I won’t be taking orders from you my good man.

I’d bet my bottom dollar a number of these will get ‘denotified’ once the wailing about pubs reopening stops


75% of new cases are under 44 so they’ll all be fine thank god.

In total?

no all open
my local gym here is open- back to normal
only in dublin do they give a fuck about this thing anymore - its over with lads

Theres a strong between leo leaving and cases rising

you know something they are
that little bollux de gascun cc @Bandage has his eyes on the prize there for a week or two since superman stepped aside , he’ll make clean shit of donnolly
that mackonkey individual is a dangerous piece of work, ids imagine he could post here, he has no credability left whatsoever saying individuals should be imprisoned for not quarantining whilst the government are letting planes land - he hasnt the gumption to represent himself correctly so he just resorts to fanatical language instead of presenting relevant data ( if it exists ) that would support closing a border.
there is nothing worse or more undignified than seeing a scientist or technical person resorting to emotive language instead of data to make a point … the man is rambling

either show data that supports closing the border and do your job to put together a few shaggin slides that would enable these eejits in the dail to put togther legislatation to get the the airlines to suspend activity or else get back to writing prescriptions …

how is this possibly even for debate
either international travel is an issue or not - just call and do it properly

ireland… FFS- paddy has to talk about it…


Out of every 110 deaths 109 are over the age of 60, sounds fishy

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11 in Dublin, 4 in Cork, 1 in Carlow, 1 in Wexford. No hint where the other 17 are.

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It’s vwry hard to explain the numbers there, in comparison to others, without it being some form of herd immunity

According to the Independent there will be a staycation subsidy.

A new tax-back scheme for people who holiday at home this summer is being developed by the Government.

The ‘staycation subsidy’ will see families able to reclaim a portion of their hotel or restaurant bill. understands the proposal is emerging as the favoured way of giving a boost to the tourism industry in next week’s July Stimulus Package.

Go on a staycation…when no pubs are open.



id prefer a nature trail than a trip to a pub. what a bizarre attitude

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I enjoy a pint in the evening when I’m on holidays. If that makes me bizarre, so be it.

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it does

what next you enjoy driving ?


its like you are stuck in a time warp - a man from 1986 reappears in 2020 - @iron_mike & @padjo arethe same


I wasn’t even born in 1986

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which makes your attitude even odder*

*the other unlikely and frankly ridiculious possibility is that Im middle aged and thats why i reject the pub

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