Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I would suggest that, for someone suffering from mental health issues, it isn’t

can someone sum up the lat 100 posts?

You have not lived til you see the lads wearing bullet proof vests get changed in a gym in Blanchardstown. I thought initially it was a weighted vest.


You must have put on serious muscle lifting the bed off yourself each morning.


unreal biceps from opening the curtains too

Fast twitch muscle especially

This is a play on the phrase “curtain twitcher” cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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They’ve had 10 times the fatalities per capita than their nearest neighbours. They’re the lepers of Europe. No one wants them coming in to their country.

Mike hunt used be a fat cunt and he’s only chubby now

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As Director of the National Library of infectious diseases it’s unlikely he’d know more about infectious diseases than a skivvy from the arse end of Clare.

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Their plan was to have herd immunity all along. It would appear they have succeeded.

And we currently want no one arriving

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Look at London. I’m convinced we have herd immunity here. Massive raves and BLM protests every weekend in May and June. Pubs are packed every night here now. No spikes The virus was out and rampant amongst us in late March peaking on the 15th April. Open Ireland up to fuck


Boris Johnson is a wanker but that chump from Cork needs to take his lead here and tell those medical assholes to get lost. This thing is over. A bit of social distancing and hand sanitizer is all you need to get things going again

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16 people have died in Ireland under the age of 60 from COVID 19 in Ireland.

Nasty post

When did anyone start listening to a cunt with a name like cillian de gascun??


These are indeed strange times

3 deaths 34 new cases.

They’ll have us back in phase 2 before the bank holiday weekend.

Id say back to phase 2 before that

Things have gone to the dogs since Dr Tony had to step aside

Tisnt good lads

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They need to watch ICU and hospital capacity. New cases are pretty inconsequential.

What are three day averages like. I’ve pretty much given up the ghost on tracking this cunt of a thing