Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

I’ve no issue with it - I’m just piling on @Tank to really drive him under the bed.


2% of the normal number of arrivals from the US as well, but you would swear that American tourists are all over the place because some clown whipped up hysteria in the press.

I see the national meltdown got to the New York Times of all places. Most Americans are terrified of leaving their State right now, let alone go abroad. They might just read this hit of xenophobia from Ireland and decide not to come back when things get back to normal. The Irish will have they begging bowl out though.


I’m looking at getting a bed like this, something I could really spend a few months under. You lads are mad, playing with your lives. One month after being infected that nurse’s heartbeat was 5 times above normal.


It wasn’t. She’d be dead.

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She had a hot flush, you lads are mad.

Happy she wasn’t exaggerating anyway

The missus has already been on to me asking if we can go to one of the green list countries “regardless of the craic with insurance”

I think we will

The forms mate.

There’s not much room under there mate

For the likes of @Heyyoubehindthebushes and @johnnyglynn who can just shit it out overnight it’s no different than the ordinary flu. Covid attacks the organs of asymptomatic sufferers. You might not even know you had it but your body does.

When @Tank posts, you have to read between the lies.

Does your body keep it on the QT, to avoid upsetting you?


Wouldnt say it was overnight, wouldnt wish it on anyone but heart rate 5 times higher surely is exaggeration. Loss of taste, swearing buckets, loss of appetite, terrible cough for weeks after and body aching like fuck. Could have been a flu. The testing surge happened about 2 weeks after I was sick

The term ‘asymptomatic’ may guide you towards the answer you’re looking for there.

Ah yes, a virus so deadly most people don’t even know they have it. Back under the beds everyone


Except that their heart is going 300 beats a minute

I’m going out on a limb and linking peoples different reactions to this virus to bystander T cells.

The health experts are just pointing out that it can have health implications for asymptomatic. The dullards will ignore this no doubt.

Was thinking the same myself.