Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

10 people in hospital and @Batigol has to watch bridesmaids in a hotel bedroom


I presume project fear will be maintained untill after the bank holiday.

It will be hard to maintain it much longer with recent numbers.


I think this whole thing has been about avoiding pubs been open for the August bank holiday. And if it was then fair enough, but they could at least admit it


If it gets the schools open in September it’ll be worth it. Thats the most important thing now.

Hopefully that was their agenda.

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Well they’ve said that was the agenda

It’ll be good craic when they release this magic plan on Monday. No doubt it’s an unworkable clusterfuck

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I mentioned this 2 weeks ago on the pubs thead. It’s very much an open secret at this stage, nothing will happen until the schools are back. Thats the the jigs and reels of their joined up strategy


So no pubs without food till September?

Possibly late August.

Definitely not the 10th you reckon? I think it will be impossible to delay again if cases are low. Would take waging a serious pr war on pubs next weekend

First day that nobody has had symptoms

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The virus takes a break the weekends

Maybe just maybe, the cautious approach of the general public is paying dividends?

What cautious approach? Shur the soundbites are that we are going back a phase because people aren’t being careful. House parties every where and sick Texans on holidays going around coughing into everyone’s face.

Mate, I can only comment on what I see day to day.

My house party days a distant memory


Youre right insofar as 99% of the public have been social distancing and the rest since day 1 … what we’ve gotten is rotten political game playing from above right from the off - Operation fear , blame the public , more fear, blame the public some more- fast track the phases for kudos, then blame the public a little more and keep the fear going.

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Fear mongering possibly all the vast majority of idiots in this country understand

Catch me

He’s making the kind of sacrifice that Tubbers could only imagine.

1 death 24 new cases. 15 cases in Dublin, 3 in Kildare. 1 in Louth, 1 in Galway,