Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Nevermind getting extra teachers where the fuck would they put them?
I doubt there are many primary schools with spare classrooms

11 Dublin, 3 Clare, 2 Cork. 1 Kerry, 1 Tipperary, 1 Longford, minus 30 in Louth, 1 Kildare.



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It’s a ready supply of subs that they’ll need to provide, I honestly don’t know how it’s going to work, I think they should hire many thousands of SNAs on fixed term contracts for the school year but it would end up with them having to manage classrooms alone, but it’s doable at primary level

Our school finds it very difficult to get subs at the best of times, we’ll get them once but they won’t come back when they can pick and choose

Some sort of super subs maybe. Give em a full time contract and an area of operation

I can’t believe the size a lot of people have gone in the last 5 months. Its obscene

My cousin in Male, has maths & science subjects and can’t get a full time position. Was working in Dublin but now based in the North West. I thought he’d have work got no problem.

Is he putting down Tipp on his application form?

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Are they really going to change up much on the Primary sector? Crèches seems happy to go as per normal but maintaining groups for play outside and eating meals etc.
I would have thought they can make it work too in Primary Schools.

Secondary school is the big issue as how can you really control where they are outside school hours etc & control social distancing.

:smile: God no.

Location issue there id imagine. If he was in Dublin, he would have his pick of jobs.

Apparently they removed the “airbridge” whatever t f that is from UK to Spain or back or something this morning. Anyhow, I was chatting to a colleague who received an email as we spoke informing her that TUI had cancelled all flights, and were returning her money. Rotten oul news and she could have well done with the holiday. :slightly_frowning_face:

At least she’s getting the money back.


The UK have some cheek telling people it isn’t safe in Spain :joy:

I wasn’t sure which way round it was. It might be Spain pulling it, I don’t know.

The face masks thing is a joke and needs to be ended now.

Its fuckology of the very highest order. Mrs Tassotti is currently in Ibiza, there will be no quarantine on her return, I repeat, no quarantine


UK has 59 countries on its green list, we have an open border with them yet only have 14 (a few of which aren’t actual countries)

We have 10 (ten) people in hospital from this illness in the entire country. 2-3% of cases are linked to international travel.

The airline industry, including our national carrier is on the brink of collapse.

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ah stop, the whole thing is a cod, a savage virus that doesn’t affect 99.99 per cent of the population, a scamdemic, 80 per cent of people that have don’t even know they have it, but hey, lets destroy the country to save a few geriatrics