Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

Well we left the ones we could save die


All countries on Ireland’s green list had a lower incidence rate per 100,000 people in the previous 2 weeks to when the list was published.

The UK’s current incidence rate per 100k is 14.6.

It’s easy have 59 countries on the green list when you’re probably safer in those countries than you are in the UK.


And we have an open border with the UK.

A huge number of Nordies use Dublin airport

This for OUTDOOR dining?

Yes and all employees wearing masks. Apparently the virus can now go through masks depending on who is wearing them.

That’s ridiculous

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Most experts have already said there’s little to no evidence masks work unless they are certified medical grade.

I honestly wouldnt bother my hole dining out if having to go through all that absolute bullshit.


“Most experts”




:smile: :smile:

If you firmly believed that level of mask wearing was necessary for safety, you wouldn’t open your business. It’s virtue signaling through mask rules.

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Correct. Well spotted.

You’ve people wearing tights over their head thinking they’re now immune to covid.

0.2% of staff in a major retailer contracted the virus. That’s while not wearing a mask during the height of it. Masks are only for show. Obey personal space and there is zero issues.


A lot of trouble to go to for a burger and some slaw

FYI those sporting beards, I went for a haircut and beard trim on Friday. However, a standard beard trim WAS NOT possible in the current environment as I had to keep my mask on.

That said, the barber was able to straighten the edges and add some definition to the beard line on the basis that I removed the elastic bit from over each ear in succession, while ensuring the mask still covered my mouth.

He was able to get at each side of the face in sequence, as I maintained a ridiculous position as per sample picture below.

I then had to do the actual beard trim at home.

You literally couldn’t make it up. The country has gone stone mad.


Years of acute radiation exposure along the East Coast has tinted your ear lobes mate


I got the beard done last week no bother.

Maybe you should get some sun

for fuck sake, are you telling me you have to wear a mask getting a haircut in Ireland?


Ah here, you are lucky to be able to get a haircut in the country.

This has me terrified. A very sinister development:

I have heard about how when the Polio vaccine was first developed some of the first vaccines killed thousands of people but the problem didn’t manifest itself until years after the vaccine was administered. I will eventually get this vaccine but there is no chance that I will get it until years after it has been released. I might have to move to England, the shame.

I’m not a vaccine conspiracy theorist or an anti-vaccer. I accept there’s no proven link between vaccinations and autism but that still doesn’t mean that it’s wise to get a vaccination right after it’s been released. You don’t know for sure whether a particular vaccination is safe until after it’s been released for years.