Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Lolzers, “leading experts”. You wouldn’t need a medical qualification to know they got it horribly wrong. Their silence is telling, as is your defence of them.

The con artist’s con artist, Michael Levitt, was another guy he trumpeted.



So you’ve given up on the courts deciding the travel ban was racist and have turned to the New York Times? I’ve never denied Trump is a racist, he is, but the travel ban targeting countries was not racist, no more than Obama targeting them.

You’re an Irish nationalist who hates people who live alongside you because they are a different ethnicity, and you think you can stand on a bully pulpit and call other people racist? Go fuck yourself you Catholic bigot.

Did he suggest we “protect the vulnerable” too? We’re blessed to have such experts.


Lots of accusations there.

I’ll just leave this here though.

Remind me what your Nobel prize is in again? Literature?

Protecting the vulnerable is such a silly idea.

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Nah, he claimed he correctly predicted the pandemic in China had “burned out” and then predicted the pandemic in Ireland would burn out within three weeks. This was last May 3rd in the Sindo. He was back in the Sindo a few months later saying the same thing.

Unsurprisingly his correspondent in the Sindo was Niamh Horan.

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Maybe Mr. Levitt could pick up the Nobel prize for talking shite?

There should be a Nobel prize for quote mining, you would win every year.

Levitt’s main point was on excess deaths and he has been proven largely correct. Certainly more correct than those predicting catastrophe.

Three and a half million deaths worldwide and we all know that’s a considerable undercounting. Seems fairly categorical to me that what has happened has been a catastrophe.

Levitt should go with Gupta, Martin Feely, the Fat Emperor, Dr. Marcus De Brun, Dolores Cahill and Ian Brown into the pantheon of Grade A Covidiots.

It could be a lot worse, mate.

Anti-vaxxer Fulvio is over on GAABoard ranting about Nazi Germany.

Small mercies.

leave me out of this you fucker*

  • had to do it before someone else got there
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Her language was classic dog whistling racism. If someone on the right made the comment, it would be called racist.

I notice Ivana Bacik has woken up to the damage of the policies she advocated for. She said back in January that we needed “learn the lessons of Australia and NZ”. Those lessons included stopping new visas being processed from some countries and MHQ, a regime that impacts the lowest paid. Roll on a few months and there are the inevitable stories of families being divided and not being able to even afford their families to come in. Now Ivana has figured it out and has put back on her human rights hat. Similarly the parties that called for universal MHQ and some who even demanded flights were halted have their “workers” hats on after the Shannon announcement.


American politics is the most tedious debate topic in the world


About 150 million people are born and about 55 million people die every year on our planet, so I don’t believe 3.5 million deaths from one disease are a catastrophe.

Excess deaths in most countries are within a normal range if you look at history and factor in population growth and age demographics. The exceptions are countries like (especially) the US and western Europe where obesity and obesity related diseases are very prevalent. More than anything else this pandemic exposes the poor health of a lot of our western population.


Anyway I’m off to the beach, enjoy your evening lads. Sorry for lashing out @TheBlackSpot, but if you’re going to call me a racist back it up with an example and I’m happy to debate it.


There are no reasonable on here Sid. We’re all mentallers

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