Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

No. But the man is a massive racist in general. I don’t know why anybody would even attempt to argue the point.

I never did. I’m just trying to figure out why the lady in the clip, and many, many others, called travel bans racist then and not now?

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What a deranged post. The “courts” did not decide the travel ban was racist, the Supreme court ruled it was within his powers. Explain how it was racist? It stopped travel for three months from the same countries that Obama imposed restrictions on. Was Obama a racist?

After 9/11 and the mass killings in Florida and elsewhere in the US are you suggesting there was no threat from Islamic terrorism? No threat in the UK after the London and Manchester bombings? You sound like an apologist for Jihad.

I have never defended white supremacy or white supremacists you absolute moron.

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Again, whether a travel ban can be deemed racist or not very depends on what it is being used for.

You’ll have to quote verbatim and in context anything Thornberry said last year if you want me to answer your latest point.

What are your scientific or medical qualifications to question some of the leading experts in the world? Based on your posting here I would say zero.

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As far as I remember you have consistently - over a period of several years - downplayed their threat in relation to other forms of terrorism despite them being by far the most clear and present threat of this form in the US.

You may not think you have been doing that, but I think most reasonable people who have read your posts were and are of the opinion you were doing so.

Wow. Tipped you there, Sid. Stage 5

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Well bans in March/April of last year and bans now would both be to counter the spread of a pandemic. One on Chinese people during the spread of a virus that started in, and was being spread mainly in China.

Absolute hysterical nonsense. What the Great Barrington declaration recommended was Sweden’s approach but with a greater focus on protecting the vulnerable (which Sweden failed at just as much as anywhere else). Was Sweden’s outcome a catastrophe? Try and be honest in your answer.

People like yourself and @mikehunt calling for zero Covid now are being disingenuous, you weren’t calling for it when it mattered, and once the virus wasn’t stopped early on it wasn’t possible to stop as every country who didn’t close their borders early has proven.


As 9/11 and Orlando proved, Islamic terrorism was the greatest threat to the US, just as Paris, Manchester and London proved in Europe. You won’t admit this because deep down you support Islamic terrorism.

See how that works?

Zero covid versus some other wankers. (“Great Barrington declaration”, you’d only need only read that title to know they were wankers.)

Would ye fuck off with this shite.

Ye’re all as wrong as each other.

Go back to March 24th, 2020 when leading “Great Barrington” affiliated “expert” Sunetra Gupta claimed up to half of Britain had already got Covid.

Some posters here saw straight through her from the get go.

So you have nothing. Explain how the US government’s 3 month ban on travel from the 5 impacted countries was racist, and how it was a Muslim ban. Considering the countries with the highest number of Muslims (by far) were not impacted and all travelers from the 5 countries were impacted, not just Muslims.

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They were basically Gary Dempsey. But with letters.

The Oxford research gave a range of how many were infected. She was wrong, as were all the other experts at some point. The one we depended on most here in the US (Fauci) said Americans had nothing to worry about and should go on cruises. I wonder who did the more damage in terms of minimizing the threat.

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Yes, I see how it works when you post. You try to airbrush your bigotry and then make utterly hysterical claims about other people, while simultaneously ignoring the absolute clear and present threat you’ve ignored for years.

It’s a tactic I’m well used to seeing, being quite familiar with how right-wing US media works.

Bald men. Comb.


She was wrong and I was right. And she has been consistently nuts since in her pronouncements. Some “expert” Sunetra Gupta proved, eh?

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It’s complete nonsense. I know it’s somewhat of a hobby for the two of them, but it’s painful and irrelevant.

They’ve actually contrived this argument out of nothing between.

Trump, a bit like yourself, is a racist. You just pretend you’re not. Being called on it tips you.

Here’s an article that argues that it was racist rather than to protect against terrorism.