Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The constant rattling on and over focus on the bloody Leaving Cert.

Most people locked down, funerals impacted, are we really bothered about whether a bunch of young people sit a traditional exam or projected grades, a lot of which won’t matter jack shit to the people doing them.



Totally agree. Pass the leaving cert and another 4 years of exams

You just don’t get it, fella.

I hope I never “get” whatever “it” is if it means having the same disregard for life as you obviously have. This faux intellectualism re Mazlow and caring about people’s basic needs is typical hypocrisy from people with your type of outlook. If you at least admitted you don’t care about anyone but yourself and your pocket then I would have some respect for your point of view.


They will matter a lot to the people doing the exams. I know a lad who repeated the leaving last year and missed out on what he wanted to do on projected grades because because of the points going up so much

Unless you’re suggesting just giving everybody what they want which I don’t think is feasible

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You on full pay bud?


And you still don’t get it. I don’t have a disregard for life. Quite the opposite in fact. Ironically, in taking your perceived moral high ground, you’re coming across as very hypocritical in your disregard for the lives of those less well off than you.

The sneer dripping from your post is nauseating - “people with your type of outlook”. How dare those faux intellectual, capitalism-loving, alternative view-having motherfuckers open their mouths, right? The lockdown has turned into your fanatical political ideology. Heaven knows the signs were there when you threw your own mother out on the street.

And for the record, it’s Maslow.


Its class war at its finest… The well off happy to throw those less fortunate under the bus. Politicians using covid as a shield. The super rich doubling their wealth… The media complicit as they keep themselves relevant through scaremongering.


In Ireland the left wing TDs are most fanatical about extreme lockdowns that disproportionately affect the least wealthy.


Do we have many left wing TDs?

Or alternatively, your strategy here, which screams about the “elderly” and caring, when it is well established on here that your primary concern is that you aren’t being ordered around an office by your boss anymore.

Your approach to this consistently ignores actual outcomes and tradeoffs.


My concern for those less well off was there prior to Covid. Funnily enough you were one of those who constantly ridiculed anyone who had a “loony left” outlook. If there was a fiver increase in the dole you’d be apoplectic with rage so while you may well have had a road to Damascus realisation ince Covid started, forgive me if I am a bit dubious.

Here’s an article which reckons Ireland did pretty well in reducing cases since christmas.

Do you know if they heeded the WHO’s advice regarding pcr testing?

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Unlike many on here I’m no exprt but my reading of that is that numbers went up when the country opened up, and went down when restrictions were reintroduced. This tallies with what you would expect with a highly contagious virus. The experts on here seem to disagree though, they say that lockdowns don’t work and that what happened in January proves this.

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Good to see Luke O’Neill penning a self congratulatory article

I don’t have a baldy notion and neither do I care. And if you ask me any more questions I don’t understand I’ll fillet you.

They’re all too clever for me so I don’t really bother. I’d hazard a guess that there isn’t anything would change their minds, so maybe you’re wasting your time.

That all sounds very smart but what would be your alternatives to lockdown and easing in Ireland over the last year?

Maslow was in the Illuminati… With his gammy pyramid. You couldn’t take a word that cunt has to say seriously… The pandemic is a rich person’s paradise.

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