Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I’ve created a monster haven’t I?

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The combined powers of NPHET have no answer to the courage of one single Italian man.


Nolan is like a lad who flies a simulator on a computer having a go at Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

Not outside his own county though.

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Scratch off both Remdesivir and interferon beta. Only Regeneon and its antibody cocktail can save us now.

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I was talking to a fella who runs a bar lately. He shut down said it wouldn’t pay you to be open. 15 people x 2 drinks an hour minus two staff plus running costs.

As an aside it’s a pure mess some of his staff were entitled to rent allowance and were ages getting. Then lost it when they went back to work and now have to go through the rigmarole again. You’d hope they’d fast track it

Covid is a bully. We need to stand up to it and say no more

If we’re going to have another Level 5 lockdown, let’s have one that we’re all truly in together and playing by the same rules. The NEPHET medical junta, politicians, media cheerleaders like Tubs should all be put on PUP rates of €300 a week. Some proper solidarity across the board.


Not true. There has been no development squad activity since March.

“Gilead received the manuscript about Solidarity on 28 September, according to WHO. On 8 October, before the results became public, the company signed a $1 billion deal with the European Commission”

We’ve been mugged off here.

My understanding is most of those deals are contingent on results

The Remdesivir boys have made as much money as they would for most drugs that work. A little birdy told me there is no Remdesivir in the country at the moment and they are waiting on a shipment. Just as well it’s useless I suppose :see_no_evil:

I heard the opening stanzas of this radio show today. He’s a revolting, unctuous cunt.
Waffling on about the forthcoming internment, sticking together, looking after the likes of me and that oul’ patronising scutter.

“Of course I have a very well paid job and I’m thankful for that at this stressful time.
The team here are all in good secure jobs and they’re worried for all you out there”

Only I need the wireless for the local death notices and John Creedon :wink: I’d have put the hatchet through it in the vain hope of splitting the cunt’s skull.

Fuck RTE and their overpaid team of arselickers.


I hope you are right I miss my old life.


Works somewhat for Ebola doesn’t it? This would have been a blockbuster.

And imagine being stuck with Mary and Fionnula who have taken up one of your tables in order to have a cup of coffee drawn out over two hours,

Would it be possible to slap a 10pc covid solidarity tax on everyone earning over 50k say. Just for the weeks we’re in level 5? If they can just unilaterally shut businesses I don’t see why not


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