Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Waterford and Louth have stabilised

George Lee reckons 3 weeks won’t be enough to save Donegal.

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*some spoofer on Twitter reckons 3 weeks is not enough to save Donegal

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How many did I infect today @Copper_pipe ? I couldn’t be arsed reading back. I’m too tired

Was onto the uncle up there. A few outbreaks linked to lads who knew they were positive going out drinking in pubs. Schools closed, the O’Neills factory, McNamees the building providers and a few more like that


Are schools and what not continuing in Donegal?

These lockdowns literally only affect pubs and children’s matches.

There’s surely some private consultants specialising in epidemiology who could cream a few bob off organisations like the VFI amd RAI by going out to bat for them in the media

This guy has been on the ball all the way through this pandemic.

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Liechtenstein for the next trip it appears

Four countries on it :sweat_smile:

RIP tourism and aviation.

Doom monger


As per @glasagusban’s link above there’s 10,000 hospitality jobs in Dublin alone at risk. Our acting CMO/Il Duce Ronan Glynn has confirmed he won’t consider them or “any struggling sectors” when giving advice.

That isn’t his remit.


Glynn might not be an economist but saying “small, but significant” loses the point a bit. Hotels, bars, restaurants and cafes are the lifeblood of many towns and cities. Their multiplier effect is huge.

No it’s not. It should be the government but they will hide behind his advice. They’ll excuse it by fear that McDonkey and co have made grave predictions (again).

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Poland go to 25.6 and they take them off. Fucking apes


Especially given our rate is 50+. It’s embarrassing.

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