Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


To be fair to Wooly, I only started studying Epidemiology myself in March this year and I already know more about this thing than McConkey/Oā€™Neill/Ryan.


Sheā€™ll probably be fired from Rte for this.

Only 9 crucial days left guys.

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Shit like this from people with a bit of an online following, boils my blood. Dont speak to people like a condescending prick


She has been ratioed. Overwhelming no response. Cant even ask a question anymoreā€¦ the irish public have Stockholm syndrome.

How could she do this to us???

This prick ignores that doctors and health experts have differing opinions on this. Also a lot of doctors and health experts on media are not experts in the field of pandemics. Even the experts expertise is largely theoretical and not based on experience as we have not had such a pandemic in their working lives.

Absolute belief in experts has led us to the Great Economic Crash in our recent past so worshipping at that altar is foolhardy.

Exactly thereā€™s only one opinion gets trotted out. Plenty experts on the other side get no airtime.


Hes not the only one and the purposal to pay influencers to push the message is mich the same. I had a lecturer in first year who stood at the top of the lecture and told the entire class, never believe any information your told, question everything and demand data to prove the argument. It has saved my ass several times professionally my challenging when someone has tried to Bullshit me. This craic of listen to the experts and donā€™t question is very disturbing.


Claire and Wooly, Laois are leading the charge here, where the fuck are the rest of you cunts?

My issue with all of this is the context on where cases are. They are throwing out a huge amount of numbers and case increases, but notably:

Do not state what has caused the cases, or where they are clustered
Do not state whether those in hospitals came in because of Covid 19 or the compulsory test showed they were carrying it. Similar to those in ICU, are they in ICU because of Covid 19?
Keep on announcing total numbers but not active cases
Do not differentiate between asymptomatic cases and full blown ones with serious symptoms
And more importantly have absolutely no end goal plan. A strategic plan that is fluid and has no defining parameters. Contradicting itself all over the place.

One of my biggest issues too with the people who comment so frequently online are either not working or have public sector paid jobs. Its rare to see a self employed person come out and state that people should stay under the bed. This massive economic crash is not affecting them and the considerations for things outside of the virus is not being looked at (with one notable exception to this on TFK here)

My own biggest issue with all of this was sporting activities for kids. The restrictions put on them playing outside for a couple of hours a week was ridiculous. Iā€™m self employed, but have been very fortunate to have stayed very busy, busier than I have ever been to be honest. But that doesnt mean I cant see the problems coming down the line or the huge problems at the moment that thousands of people are suffering from. And that by keeping these restrictions in we are going to affect a huge proportion of the population.

I also recognise that by not keeping these restrictions in place that you are risking a spread to vulnerable people and people will say why should they be sacrificed? And its valid. But at the moment, anyone vulnerable is staying away. Iā€™m saying those who do not necessarily need to stay restricted should be able to resume things again. The things they are shutting down have not been proven to be effective and the spike and reduction in both Limerick and Wexford show that lockdowns are not always necessary for numbers to start reducing again. Arbitrary county borders mean fuck all. If Gorey gets a hundred cases next week, it will shut Wexford down, even though I am closer to larger towns in 3 other counties than Gorey.

Its the non sensical advice being thrown about the whole time that bugs me. Contradicting plans and the sneery attitude that the clinical advisors know best and everyone should just shut up and accept it. Absolutely their advice should be critical, but it should be taken in balance with the whole circumstances of the country, not just one facet of things.


Woolly canā€™t say much until he calls out the gaa for playing games behind closed doors.

For those that may have been on the WSS (Myself included)

He has

Iā€™d say he perked up alright when he heard that cash might be thrown to a few influencers. Time to get relevant again.

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Is Wooly an influencer? Whats this about cash? More info please.

Oh Iā€™d say Bressie is rubbing was rubbing his hands with this announcement.

Wooly may be a lot of things but you canā€™t fault his commitment to further education.
Heā€™s spent more years in academia than anyone bar Jim McGuinness

Heā€™s only in the haā€™penny place when it comes to Dublin GAAā€™s DCU Academy.