Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Situation is a bit fucked up here with so many people going over the border to work and do shopping. That and house parties, are definitely what has it spreading around Stranorlar anyhow, there’d be no tourism down around there.

In short a hard border might save us all.

You pleb :grinning:

Rent free in your head pal #inthemixfor6

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I speak the truth.

I am at one with the force the force is with me

The first thing that should happen is that anyone who is working from home and hasn’t had a pay cut, myself included, should get an immediate hike in taxes. This must also include all public sector workers too. This money should be used to keep the PUP payment at at least €350 for those people the government are denying their right to work.

It’s time that we’re all in this together starts to have even a semblance of truth in it.


Thinly veiled “I’m alright Jack”

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Donnelly’s back after his spell of sickness.

Thinly veiled “when Breda and Nuala start being affected by the restrictions they might open their eyes a little wider” more like.

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A Minister for Health endorses lethal bouncy castles. I’ve heard it all now.

Donnelly pro bouncing castle, anti trampoline


That would soon soften a few LITF coughs.

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Please prepare to push your trolley at the end of the conveyor

There is no doubt that there will have to be budget considerations. The income tax and VAT etc will be way down, and the expenditure on health and social welfare will have increased massively. Thats just basic back of the fag box calculations, there will have to be either increased tax revenue or decreased public expenditure. It will cause a load of people to go mental when it comes about. Magic money trees dont exist unfortunately.

It’s a pity Dick Spring isn’t Minister for Health. The headline writers would have a great time.

There will probably be a Covid levy. Say 1% of peoples gross incomes. Just like there was an insurance levy for irresponsible practices in insurance industry, health levy for malfunctioning health service and USC for huge gap in public finances. The covid levy will be because of Irish govt allowing Irish economy to teeter into the abyss and will be directly proportionate to how long they continue to persist with continuous cycles of lockdown and reopening. The only thing holding us together is investment and employment from MNC’s but with draconian stances in relation to travel and Ireland being out of step with rest of Europe I hope this doesn’t undermine further our economy.

People are fed up with restrictions.

Tax the self employed. That would be the job. Fuck them. Cunts.


And travel into and out of the county

Communions aren’t called off in Dublin?

Tax increases are inevitable but the timing is key. There shouldn’t have been tax increases at this budget in order to build up confidence but now that the government have decided to run society on the back of closing down entire industries periodically, I don’t think there will be much confidence left by year end.