Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Youā€™d imagine the church would have cancelled all communions

Itā€™ll be decades of paying this deficit back, when we reach the bottom of the barrel, whenever that is. Between this and pollution i doubt the standard of living enjoyed at times since 2000 will ever be repeated.

Communions are cancelled in Dublin.


They do though.

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They should be cancelled in general. A load of shite.


Look at this cunt :grin:

I would have to agree with you on that one.

If the government get out of this whilst sustaining the covid emergency payment, no additional taxes on income and sustaining their house shortage and increasing the volume of spending on housing and other infrastructure, all the while battling a global pandemic, then they will be in power until all eternity.

The cancellation of the PUP was planned at a time when it was thought that weā€™d be open again and people could go back to work. Now that it is apparent that that is not the case it will have to be maintained, and thereā€™s no reason we shouldnā€™t borrow to do it.

As Iā€™ve said before Iā€™ve no problem paying more taxes but i think it makes more sense to borrow at the moment.

The impact is going to last longer and go deeper than initially expected, but there is a whopper programme of EU wide grants coming down the line and borrowing costs zero at the moment. Borrowing is not a bad thing and books donā€™t need to be balanced in the immediate or even medium term, or even at all (hasnā€™t hurt Japan).

I have no idea. I have not checked to see if all the 7 (seven) Sacraments are compliant with the Irish Governmentā€™s Dublin Level 3.646 ā€œLiving with Covidā€ document. All I know is that when I was going on a Dublin saunter there a couple of hours ago that I saw the below (along with some semi well dressed individuals leaving);

I will not be disclosing the location of these residences though as a fyi. These patriots do not deserve to be shamed for doing their bit for herd immunity.


When I see the minister for health hold the scumbags running nursing homes accountable for absolute negligence then i may come on board.
The reason why people cant work is because people could and will die in nursing homes from c-19, the reason why people are dying in nursing homes form c-19 is because nursing homes are making no effort to use PPE or control visitation ( ref HIQA report), the reason why nursing homes dont do that is because the minister for health wont hold them accountable .
Here we have the major location of death and the population impacted are all residing in one setting and yet for some reason this government cant enfore legislation to protect these people.
if they government are telling us masks prevent transmisson, then surely to be to fuck adequete PPE will severely reduce the possibility of staff bringing this ā€œvirusā€ inside to vulnerable folk in nursing homesā€¦

but no, the focus is on putting control measures with no scientific basis on the unaffected population ( 0.13% death rate) that give them no benifit to that population but only increase hardship. Now i wonder why that wont work?
All the time those who reside in a setting that can be controlled and protected are being ignored because the governement for some reason dont want enforecemt

a fucking farce

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A Government who wonā€™t tell old people to cocoon as it is social apartheid but close down sectors and counties on a whim.


Was there not some report recently into the HSE nursing home in Monaghan with 20+ deaths that said that it followed all the guidelines?

i dont know tbh, but if they were following whatever regulations the HSE put together its probably high times those regulations were reviewed

Facial coverings must be worn over both nose and mouth

Borrowed money has to be paid back. I agree we should be borrowing for certain things but not all current expenditure increases should be funded by loans. Iā€™d say the average wfh person on ā‚¬50k + is probably up ā‚¬200 a month between not paying for lunches and no travel expenses etc so they can afford to pay that without being worse off than before the lockdown. Factor in the fact that many many people are much worse off then as a society we should spread that pain a little so letā€™s double that to ā‚¬400 a month for anyone on ā‚¬50-100k and increase it to ā‚¬600 a month for over ā‚¬100k. It is utterly absurd that we are asking the lowest paid people in the workforce to bear the brunt of this while a large proportion of society sits at home on their fat fucking holes unaffected and judging other people.


Decent post Mickee, but Iā€™d question the above quote. The reason people in nursing homes are dying is because they are really old, often have comorbidities, and are at the mercy of the hucksters running the nursing homes. Be careful that we donā€™t fall back into the collective impression that people in nursing homes live forever. If anyone talks with a GP linked with a nursing home, theyā€™ll most likely tell you that a viral illness like Covid-19 is a very gentle way for the patients to pass from, compared to Alzheimers, dementia, cancer, etc.

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