Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Amazing what can happen if anyone questions these lads. Maybe, just maybe, they are not infallible oracles and we should get some other voices being heard.

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Those aren’t robots. You still need to scan the items. They’ve got you doing the job of the employee and paying for it. Genius


I agree with the sentiment but where the fuck would you draw the line?
The government have announced we are moving to level 6 which means all work must be carried out as it was pre industrial revolution

Decathlon and Nespresso have POS where you don’t need to scan. You put bag with your purchases into a box and it scans everything in one go.


Very convenient

I thoroughly endorse the anti NPHET sentiment being expressed by my comrades here such as @Heyyoubehindthebushes, @Horsebox, @Tim_Riggins, @TheUlteriorMotive, @Horsebox, @Batigol et al.

A few have mentioned it, but there are a plethora of arseholes on social media kinda man marking anyone that criticises NPHET. They come out with the catch all…think I’ll trust the medical experts over [insert occupation of person offering critique].

The same experts have been a complete shambles. Stephen Kenny’s opening games in charge of Ireland provided more coherence and structure. 1) Banning children’s sport, 2) keeping pubs closed for decades, 3) keeping meat plants open but closing counties, 4) not bothering to contact trace properly, 5) closing restaurants based on an assumption that community spread is starting in that environment despite not bothering to verify that {see #4}, and 6) not considering impact on nursing homes at the outset.

It’s gotten to the stage where I shadow box the air in front of the TV when Professor Philip “academic exercise” Nolan appears onscreen.

As an aside, is the new Deputy CMO Heather Burns any use?


A great job

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The key take away here is that even if you test negative, you still need to restrict your movements. A negative test result is like the mocks, it’s worth nothing really.

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Another question I would ask is when people are admitted to hospital for any reason they are given a Covid 19 test.

If that test is positive are those cases included in numbers of Covid 19 hospitalizations?

An early negative test is like winning a league game.

This wan is typical


One third of your community will get very sick or die. She is making up facts to defeat an argument nobody has actually made.

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Theres some amount of Irish doses on twitter. Full of their own importance and can’t express an opinion without adding a condescending and self righteous tone. Between that and culture wars USA it’s getting tiresome. How can I restriction my feed to seeing junior gaa scores, American sports news and attractive foreigners


She’s alright Jack

From April. Experts who cannot be questioned were predicting 1.9m infections and 68,000 deaths in Ireland.

Yeah Irish twitter is full of covid zealots or virtue signalling wankers. Its hard to reason with the zealots as they didnt rationalise themselves into their position in the first place. They swallowed the guff unquestionably from the authorities. So it therefore becomes a futile exercise into trying to reason them out of their position. You will just get the old right wing catch all response.


First time I saw it in Decathlon alright a few weeks ago - was so simple. Great facility.


Hard fit a canoe in there.

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