Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

400 people liked that tweet. Are any of these fucking idiots able to think these things through. 1.5m people will die or get very sick in Ireland by that logic. This type of scaremongering has to be remembered when this is over.


All of the “experts” who predicted tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths need to be remembered, and all future predictions or advice taken in that context.

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Last April McWonkey predicted 100k deaths . I’d say there are old people under the bed since.


Another thing irking me about these NPHET lads is Ronan Glynn telling people to act like they’re already in level 4 or 5 to stop their county going from level 2 to 3. It’s non sensical. If you don’t want people to do anything or go anywhere then bring in that draconian measure, speccy.


They have a “get out” for that. Even though it’s unmeasurable and can’t be proven, they say we avoided that horrific outcome because of the restrictions imposed back then.

NPHET didn’t bother their holes to go and check beyond 48 hours so I won’t expect that they’ll have gone back to do further work on the virus spread in Ireland in February, but they should have. Gav Reilly had a tweet months ago saying that we subsequently confirmed that someone in ICU with Covid was subsequently found to have had Covid. No follow up on that.

Covid ran through Ireland uninterrupted for at least a month but you’d swear we got it at the start the way they go on.


The scaremongering reeds calling out now. We were told two weeks ago the virus was already seeded and we’d see the deaths dramatically increase before end of September. We have not seen that.

People need to start calling out these two week predictions as just wrong as soon as they make the next one.

The hospitalisation number - is that people admitted with Covid symptoms or who are tested on admission for something else.

If you break your arm playing a match and are admitted to hospital and test positive, you are referred to as a “Covid hospitalization”.

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When did the economy shut down? Should I cancel the holiday I’ve just booked?

Play the ball ffs.

A lot of I think, I reckon & I hope in that short post.

There was a lot of chatter in the international press about Madrid’s ICUs overflowing again.

The reality is that they had the same craic as here between “open beds” and announcing how close they were to capacity. ICUs from Covid were at 25% of the peak from March/April.

Things certainly aren’t great and there is a challenge to manage this (like the flu), but we don’t manage Hospital capacity annually through poorly evidenced shut down of hospitality.

Dublin looks very busy again today to me. Lots of people out and about and plenty of outdoor dining. With all the fear factor announcements for months; the fundamentals of this have been lost, social distancing and good hygiene works along with some targeted restrictions. The message of this is being lost with all of the daily nonsense in terms of communications, with shut downs and the rest. NPHET didn’t just need economists on them, but they also needed clinical psychologists.

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You’re a barrel full of reason too tbf, open to both sides of the argument consistently.

Don’t cancel but don’t come crying if NPHET cancel it on your behalf.

That’s it in a nutshell.

Authorities have consistently missed the actual trick. We suppressed this back in March / April because we actually made a national effort based on horrifyingly scenes from elsewhere on our TV screens.

The simple matter of fact with this disease it that proper distancing measures & good hand hygiene will hopefully reduce your risk drastically.

The government hasn’t been able to drive this simple message across to the population.

For those in sectors where distancing just can’t be adhered too, they basically just turned a blind eye. That has been utterly fucking wrong and accountability is very much needed on that issue.

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Yeah a few behaviourial scientists on NPHET would help.

Or alternatively they could read one of Aesop’s Fables “The Boy who Cried Wolf”

National effort :joy:

I think you mean we were effectively imprisoned in our homes.

Which was fine, at the time, to buy time. What did NPHET and HSE do with that hard bought time. Fuck all it seems.


It was a national effort, mate.

The County by County restrictions are bollocks and will never be taken seriously or adhered too.