Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Oh yes Iā€™ve forgotten theyā€™ve stopped kids from exercising but allowed adults continue to play gaa in Dublin :joy: and youā€™ve fellas thinking this will help with the numbers.

Lock down has been proven to be infective.

Limerick has proven numbers fall and rise with no restrictions.

You need mental help if you think lock down is the answer.

The answer is logic, cool heads and some consistency.

Itā€™s not a lockdown

I think itā€™s one of the few things agreed by nearly everyone is People who are Obese are at a grave risk to covid.

So what do we do in Ireland? We stop kids from exercising. You literally couldnā€™t make it up. Iā€™d love to know the Mindset of these people that want more restrictions.


Waterpark school probably jumped the numbers too. Havenā€™t heard much more on that outbreak since.

Nobody wants lockdown. Thatā€™s akin to saying you like putting up losing Tips.

No anti obesity campaign this summer

Easier to lockdown industries than be mean to people

The mind boggles. If you think of it logically you cancel adult games if you want to lower cases surely. The amount of house parties originating from county finals(which is perfectly normal) is unreal Iā€™d imagine around the country. Instead they punish the kids for no reason. There is no logic.

They are making it up.

Another one is closing pubs at 11. Very few people are ready to go home at 11. Just leave the pubs open as usual or else close them. They are basically encouraging house parties.

Itā€™s almost like the real plan is herd immunity with these clowns.

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Thatā€™s the point though Mike as horsebox said the majority of people in real life agree with the experts. As do most of the experts obviously. Just you never hear a proper argument about it. In real life or on here with people rebutting each other points.

Itā€™s not just on covid 19 and restrictions. Itā€™s almost impossible to have a reasonable argument about any topic on any internet forum or platform, because people now see things in absolutes. Left vs Right. Litdf vs OIUTF etc etc

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Yeah but you usually have two sides to every story on here even. This is easily the most one sided topic Iā€™ve seen on tfk.

Ya there was a fella on here arguing playing hurling was the ideal prep for Gaelic football match. Lads on here never give in even when their wrong.

Thereā€™s probably a fair few bystanders who are afraid to pipe up for fear of being put back in their box, the mob has decided itā€™s OIUTF, the mob has decided that they have been victimized and labelled as heartless towards the elderly and vulnerable when I havenā€™t seen that happen at all.

The mob believes it is vastly more intelligent than anybody who wishes to argue the points, you wouldnā€™t be long being labelled a simpleton,
Iā€™d like a debate as well, Iā€™m firmly in the middle


@Tassotti wound a load of simple lads up about it being a cod and they were cowards, so now that is de facto stance for said simpletons.

There is literally no fun in debating them

At what point did lads stop posting on here ā€œyou want old people to dieā€ if you wanted restrictions lifted ?

Rule number 1 on the INTERNET.

Never EVER admit to being wrong.

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You packed up your family to go hiding under the bed down the country then reversed course back the other way in a hail of panic with logic and reason thrown out the window - I donā€™t think youā€™re in a strong place to be calling people with reasoned arguments against this nonsense cowards.

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Iā€™m talking about lads running @mikehunt off the board. Itā€™s always the same lads too.

Part of the problem was the four months stalemate in forming a Government.FG were caretakers so played it safe and followed the NPHET line religiously. They were never pushed back on.

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Mike Hunt was taking delight from peoples business going up in smoke. He ran himself off the board.