Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Mike was well able to look after himself, who knows why he has taken an internet sabbatical

I think the opposite. I think lads on here are intelligent enough, in the main, to know that the levels/restrictions are entirely inconsistent and the rhetoric being spun each evening by RTÉ/NPHET is not balanced.

I think measures to contain Covid 19 have not been proportionate and health officials are prepared to watch entire sectors die rather than put in place appropriate capacity structures and processes and then have those capacity, structures and processes tested.

My view on that is we know see a change of approach after Nolan made a mess of his lines last week. The guiding principle of these public servants is to have no fingerprints on any cock up and you can’t be wrong if you just say lock down/shut down rather than build capacity, build processes and build resilience. Test that. Strain that. See if it is working.

Masks were a cod. No help. Now they are mandatory. What changed. Be honest.

But shutting a restaurant and stopping outdoor kids matches looks like they really don’t know where the virus is and never bothered to look. Now when challenged they say they will.


Some of the things said to him about his mam and kids were below the belt.

But he has a different opinion to you about covid so that ok for you.

The medical people haven’t come up with one idea the average joe soap wouldn’t have known about.

As somebody said on here the other day humans have survived pandemics for 1000s of years.

I’ve no idea what was said about his kids, mentioning anyones kids should be beyond the pale. I do vaguely remember him treating his mother like a covid nuclear bomb and shouting at her over something, which he took some grief for. Can’t remember the exact specifics but it sounded mental

I think it’s fair to say we all agree that we need to watch what we’re doing and keep a safe distance from people and practice hand hygiene.

The lads calling all the measures bollocks etc also know that people got lax and hence cases rose again.
Now I can understand the clear objections to restrictions on personal freedoms when Deaths seem to be staying low.

There seems to be a fine line with COVID19, it’s fair to say the vast majority of Countries have struggled badly to find a palatable balance.

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NPHET want zero covid. That’s a stated aim, right? So they’re recommending far more draconian restrictions than are being implemented.

What we end up seeing is recommendations from nphet being diluted by politicians and you end up with a hodge podge. They have different aims and objectives.

I genuinely believe that an extended lockdown is going to do colossal damage to the economy and the consequences of that will be felt into the next generation. It was right to lockdown in March and April but since then there has been complacency within Government and society. It is astounding that there isn’t effective contact testing six months into this. I also believe that the restrictions have in many cases been nonsensical or contradictory. If that makes me a member of “the mob” sign me up.


Some waffle by DeGascun this evening

Fuck all. There were HR directives in most public sectors to take 66% of annual leave by the end of Sept… and with most decision makers having 30 days entitlement and damn all hols taken because of covid… well the public sector more or less shut shop in August and a good tranche of July


When tallback tim riggins and the ulterior motive turned against fine gael and the establishment the game was up.

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But there isn’t a lockdown. Lads keep saying lockdown and there isn’t one

That moment is exactly what I took my lead from


I have no idea if they said they want zero Covid but if they did then that confirms my view of it. Zero Covid is not achievable without a vaccine. Trying to achieve it is letting academics run amok on our economy.

Their aim should be to manage the disease so hospitals are not overrun.

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I actually believe the majority of people I know personally who have struggled with this pandemic were essentially not very happy with their lives beforehand.
Making a case for saying COVID19 is all a cod and the economy is goosed could also be an easy way out for those who might be just realising that their so called lives are not all that rosey.
Lads for example who thought they had bomb proof jobs… Those who perhaps didn’t realise how dependent they were on Alcohol or Gambling for example.

The lads who were directly hit by restrictions such as @Lazarus or @EstebanSexface have my deepest sympathies for what they have endured.

Irrespective of their aim, it is filtered through the Dail who are ultimately implementing strategy. Nphet are taking the flak for everything

It’s been fascinating to watch that particular penny drop.

You’re a member of the mob I refer to (it’s my mob) if you speak down to anybody with a contrary view to yours, I felt that the treatment dishes out to @mikehunt was way below the belt for many weeks before he quit posting, now you’ve fellas calling for a debate again, I suppose some lads are looking for somebody to belittle again, I don’t think anybody even wants to argue the middle ground anymore as it’s not worth the abuse

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Link or is that lies?

Thank you