Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

It’s actually massively dangerous for society if the establishment and experts, especially medical experts are discredited in the eyes of enough people. Look at America. That looks like a real possibility of being the result of all this though. Who the fuck would we trust then. We’d be left with a country of Gemma O Dohertys.

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Lies. You sir are a liar.

There was a tremendous level of discussion back in early April on the Covid Edgy thread. It’s been all downhill since then.

Ok call it restrictions so. Colleges going remote. Hospitality industry restricted to destruction. Non COVID medical treatments postponed. No inward or outward travel. No supporters at sporting events. Limits on the number of people that can meet socially. No religious services in Dublin. Have I missed any?

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We’re in a pandemic. There are going to be some restrictions

Who am I talking down to?

I actually can’t believe that my opinions are probably closer to GOD and Ben gilroy and lunatics like that on this issue than they are to highly qualified medical experts. It throws everything into doubt.

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I don’t know if you are, I didn’t read the thread for a couple of months, just popped back yesterday and was told it’s the same as before

You decided you were in the mob, I never said a word about you

@sidney has left a big void

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I’m open to my mind being changed. When did reported cases start to rise again? Start of September.

If we don’t see a corresponding rise in deaths and people seriously ill in hospital by mid October would lads agree we are missing something.

Well you seem to think that anyone who doesn’t parrot the NPHET view is in “the mob”. I’m old enough to think for myself.


There’s some remarkable research that shows how off the mark “experts” are when it comes to predictions. Not just medicine or science topics, but economics, geopolitics, etc. Even more astounding is the more of an expert someone is in a specific field the worse their predictions are in that topic. Generalists or those who know a little about a lot of subjects consistently outperform experts in study after study.


There are a lot of experts and scientists against the restrictions in the current form - they’re not given as much airtime or allowed to challenge the government mouthpieces such as mcdonkey and co. It’s not just all the scientific experts and virologists vs the cranks but I suspect you know that.

How can anyone respect this the next two weeks are crucial shite.

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Not at all, you need to read back.
Somebody was calling for respectful debate, I said that it won’t happen because you’re not allowed to hold contrary views to some posters , I respect your opinion

Lads have decided we’ve made the biggest mistake in history and it isn’t even half time yet. It’ll be years before relevant data is accumulated. The actual virus itself is still posing more questions than answers are provided.

Yet he was by far the most abusive poster on here, So on one hand you’re complaining about lads like @mikehunt being abused, and simultaneously pining after a serial abuser. Very odd but expected mental gymnastics from you.


I didn’t pine after him, he has left a void as he would argue the point irrespective of the abuse he received. And he received plenty, he also dished it out.

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Do you really think banning kids from exercising in Dublin Is the answer?

No he hasn’t.

Lads want reasoned debate backed by evidence, which is great to see. But early on the public and most on here were crying out for a roadmap, any one, rather than stasis. The response seems to be too many and too changeable ‘roadmaps’ but the truth is they still know little about this. They aren’t even fully sure how its transmitted etc so these roadmaps are almost just a response for the sake of it. They don’t know what to do. Nobody does. No country can defeat a virus in the era of international travel. So while I’m not giving them a pass, there’s not much more they can do except pick an international model and follow it and hope it works. Mind you I don’t think posters realise how lax these regulations are in comparative with others.

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More an embellisher than a liar I would say