Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I donā€™t know what the answer is. Nobody does.

He didnā€™t receive anything close to what he dished out, the lad has no boundaries. Thereā€™s a reason he got banned on multiple occasions, maybe you missed all that.

Do you think itā€™s fair or logical the kids are stopped but the adults can continue?

Adults donā€™t go to school after matches ( except a small percentage of teachers)

Theyā€™ve prioritised schools. I think that is logical

Having schools and childcare services open is a huge thing for getting people back to work

Where are you getting that nonsense from? Go back and read the first few pages of the Covid Edgy thread where posters were accused of promoting eugenics.

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The original post on that thread said the experiment is over itā€™s time to let old people die or something to that effect. If you come in hard youā€™ll get it back hard here

The man has always been played with the ball on tfk. Thatā€™s how we roll.

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s what it suggests, maybe you should go back and read it. In terms of how the pandemic has evolved the OP was far closer to the truth than those excoriating him.

The tide turned after that mate, Iā€™m talking from about July on, there was actually some healthy debate early on, I remember @ironmoth being the early advocate for open it up, made a lot of sense and divided the forum, itā€™s fair to say he won.
Thereā€™s nobody left or bothered to argue because your head would be sticking up a long way

What I find funny is how willing people are to follow the government and the HSE when both were considered absolutely incompetent at the point this started, and have shown very little other than incompetence since.
Then you have the loons on the other side who think that Bill Gates is doing all of this for some nefarious reason.
It just goes to show how powerful fear is as an emotion. You can see how a population can be whipped into a frenzy like Trump has in the US etc


Thereā€™s nobody arguing for a full scale lockdown again, as that would be incredibly stupid, but thereā€™s plenty discussion on the specific restrictions being put in place (and lifted, and put in place, etc).

I respect that and Iā€™ve taken plenty, Iā€™d like to think that Iā€™m not a sheep.

It hit a bit tiresome for @mikehunt Iā€™d say, he was being tagged non stop and was the butt of so many jokes itā€™s no surprise he packed it in (maybe Iā€™m miles off)

The majority side of the argument see every restriction as a lockdown, which is equally ridiculous.

Its like a personal affront to some on every single attempt at containment

I think the pictures from the continent and especially Italy scared the shit out of people. Anything better than that was seen as a victory, of sorts. Of course if there was pictures of people left to die in nursing homesā€¦

Iā€™m out and about pretty much all the time and I dont see any fear man. Seriously.

I played golf recently with a man in his 80s like.

What Iā€™m seeing is people are going about their lives as best as the situation allows.


I havenā€™t seen much of that, what Iā€™ve seen is mostly people scratching their heads at restrictions like locking down a county as if the virus has a look at a map every day and decides where to pounce.

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Got shots too

You have some eyesight

What county is locked down?

24 of them and every one of them made count.