Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Iā€™ll play any 90 yr old off levels :muscle:t2:

What age is @Locke now?

Anything to back this up?

Do you believe it makes sense to impose additional restrictions on a whole county when there is an outbreak in a specific town or small area within the county?

I actually do. Because in a country as small as ireland, if they say locked down Cork City, or some towns say Midleton. People would just move to the next town and carry on about their business, which absolutely defeats the purpose

People are all the time complaining about restrictions, but if they do nothing and it does go to shit in hospitals and god forbid, deaths, weā€™ll be back where we were in April and I donā€™t think anybody wants that

These restrictions are an attempt to contain case numbers which by proxy prevents more draconian restrictions.

What I see on here is people automatically getting outraged at every decision without even attempting to rationalise it.

Communication has been a huge issue throughout this

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All I have is 3 chords and the truth

You have a great way about you

Why donā€™t you go and fuck yourself?

But they wouldnā€™t cross a county border? Are you being serious?

The problem people have with restrictions is they largely make no sense. 100 people allowed to gather for a match one week and none the next because of a small increase in positive tests? Why is a pub with food safer than a pub without food? People will only follow guidelines if they make sense to them. The proof is in the pudding, cases are rising everywhere because young people in particular have decided the risks are worth taking over putting their lives on hold indefinitely.

Whether they are right or wrong is another discussion.


Mike Hunt attacked his aging mother for sending her grandchild a birthday cardā€¦ Heā€™s deranged and better off taking a time out

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Yes, communication is a large part of the problem.

Few decisions have been explained properly or supported with rationale that stands up to any scrutiny, and decisions/changes have often been delivered in a condescending manner.

It is human nature that once there is a lack of confidence in a person/body any further output will be picked apart even if broadly reasonable. Even if the government/NPHET begin to communicate coherently now it is probably too late for a lot of people that have already made their mind up about their competence.

Itā€™s easier monitor on a county border. A checkpoint on a few national roads or entrances/exits from motorways. Itā€™s almost impossible to monitor or police at a more localised level than that

Prof Staines can now smell Nolanā€™s blood after that and is gunning for his job.

His plan is to be an off-the-wall doomsday merchant. Basically frighten the government to into hiring him

Restrictions are okā€¦ itā€™s what and how they come to the conclusions that are the problem.

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Iā€™d agree with that.

The why is the most important thing and without it everything looks like an overreaction.

If people believe or think theyā€™re protecting against something that isnā€™t dangerous theyā€™ll fuck it off.

The experts think the virus is dangerous

But sure all you have to say is you are on essential travel. Or are you suggesting locking people
up for traveling outside their county?

How did you get to that conclusion?

Essential travel can be defined. If not on essential travel then turn back. People werenā€™t doing much county hopping a few months back

But it is difficult to police even at the county level. The alternative is a broad national stroke.

The ā€˜expertsā€™ seem to flip flop a lot. We have a clatter of Irish voices that want zero covid, which in this day and age is just not achievable. Plenty of experts outside of Ireland saying itā€™s not dangerous for the majority, just those with age or certain conditionsā€¦those experts donā€™t seem to matter. The fact that the death rate backs these experts and not the lock it down zero covid experts would make you question things a bit more.


Experts disagree on how dangerous it is, and whether the restrictions being pursued are the source of other dangers that might be more significant.

The experts advising almost all governments seem to think restrictions are necessary