Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Very reasoned letter to the UK government above, don’t see too many doctors here putting their head above the paraphet other than Dr Martin Feely and Marcus De Brun as its career suicide.

Dr Carl Heneghan is well worth listening to and re-tweeted the above.

@backinatracksuit @EstebanSexface @Arthur

Any thoughts on the content of the letter?

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But people have completely discounted the effectiveness of the previous/existing restrictions which to me seems illogical.

They vary a lot on what kind of restrictions are sensible and how they are controlled. But I take your point, most medical experts are pushing for strict restrictions.

And most governments are pushing back trying to balance actual life. It’s not joined up. It’s never going to be good

We didn’t know what we were up against back then… Granted, we don’t want hundreds in icu, but things have changed… Better knowledge, medicine and younger people are more resistant… We actually did a poor job first time round as we trapped the thing in with the vulnerable and wiped them out.

Again, this is a communication issue.

As you know, in an attempt to limit overall risk, the government chose to limit the risk from hospitality venues by introducing a food requirement. (I don’t necessarily agree that was the correct approach.) However, they never fully explained this so it has been easy to trot out the usual lines that chicken wings protect you from the virus etc. With a little bit of effort, or competence, the merits of the approach could have been debated properly, but ended up just polarising opinions.


What evidence do you have of this effectiveness? The evidence since June is that most people testing positive for Covid are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms.

I honestly can’t read it, I wouldn’t have tried only you tagged me. Do you actually care what I think? I might try on the desktop later on, I’ll guess that it totally supports the viewpoint you’ve been espousing

Asking for evidence is a bit disengeneous. There won’t be definitive evidence for a few years

Is it not logical to assume that restrictions caused case numbers to drop, then lessening restrictions caused cases to go up?

I wouldn’t have too much faith in that lad.

Don’t bother mate, you’re obviously not interested.

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What did you make of the content of the letter though mate?

Going to tweets or posts from March would leave a lot of people red-faced…

No need to read it when I see him endorsing it.

One of the frustrating aspects of trying to follow the pandemic and form opinions here on TFK is that so much faith and cachet is placed at the feet of the ‘experts’ who agree with us while the others are vilified

Look after someones IPTV then like a good man, or get a skin fade

You’ve nothing to add on this thread if you won’t at least read another viewpoint I’m afraid.

So there’s no evidence of effectiveness, but you call people questioning the effectiveness illogical? I would suggest you are the one being illogical in this instance.

Are you drunk again?

What caused the cases to drop? I’m simply applying occams razor.

You don’t have to be drunk to have an opinion mate,

Look, keep the daily updates going like a good man.

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My one question here would be on the targeted response.

How is this achieved? Lockdown nursing homes and all nursing home staff and nurses and doctors?

Also, people with comorbidities? Are they lockdown too. How is that achieved? How do you lock down only the sick and old and the people who care for them, while everyone else goes about life?