Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Microbiology (and more specifically virology and immunology), epidemiology, and true statistical analysis will always trump junk science, political spin, and the self-contradiction of governments.

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I would say the biggest factor in cases dropping was people in general changing their behavior like social distancing, being more careful, etc. This had already started before any restrictions were imposed. Cases are on the rise again mainly because younger people are less careful than they were.

If it could be done, it would save lives mate -I’m no expert but surely there has to be a way as 1000 of our deaths came from there - not from kids playing matches, pubs, schools or restaurants.

They have to think outside the box on it to save those most vulnerable.

Surely testing can be improved for relatives alongside providing them with the best PPE available etc

It’s achieved through a concept known as personal responsibility. You know, where someone says “oh fuck, I’m at risk of this virus so I’ll give the pub a miss.”

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And the people who live with people who are at risk, they’ll also have to have personal responsibility.

A minority will be able to behave without personal responsibility

You’re stating the obvious, but in the interest of clarity: yes, you are correct.

Who is this minority that you are saying will be able to behave without personal responsibility? I would have thought that one of the fundamental tenets of a functioning society and for a person’s life success is taking personal responsibility.

It’s amazing how when RTE do these little vox pops with members of public they never seem to have a view that differs from supporting lockdown and restrictions…

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A targeted response to protect the vulnerable seems counter productive to me.

We’ll protect the old and vulnerable by letting the virus run high in the general population. It seems almost impossible

Whats the alternative?

It’s almost unbelievable. Almost.

You’re living in it

Lockdown - relaxation of restrictions - lockdown again

For the next few years, its madness mate.

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I find that the people I meet generally are of a similar viewpoint to that, perhaps people would be uncomfortable sharing contrary views on the national airwaves, Polar opposite to TFK

I’m using your example of context of the guy at risk saying he won’t go to the pub.

Personal responsibility is a very broad stroke.

The people I referred to are the minority of people who wont know or come into contact with someone vulnerable and will be able to live without caring, in your example of personal responsibility

The alternative is what’s happening now. Power-tripping politicos and quasi-scientists keeping the general population in a constant state of flux. Think back to Dr. Cervical Check telling us “I haven’t decided yet if I will open it up”, or words to those effect. Egomaniacal narcissists.


We haven’t had a lockdown in months. We have dynamic restrictions that are being refined as this moves along.

Look think what you want of him and his views.

I wouldn’t be quick to trust him/or his views anyway

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Dublin and Donegal are back on lockdown mate, Laois, Kildare and Offally were not so long ago and we’ve had very little increase in ICU and or deaths coinciding with it.

All we have at the moment thankfully is an increase in cases due to an increase in testing.

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We all studied history and look back and wonder how things happened, why populations behave irrationally or are duped. Why did nobody shout stop the nonsense or the emperor has no clothes. We judge them and say we would be different. This shows how it works.

Create fear. And you can pretty much get people to do anything.


Run him off ??? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: