Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Which indicates the virus is in the community which makes it more likely to get into vulnerable arenas.

People are out on the streets drinking. That is not a lockdown

Mate, this is very fucking simple. You cannot protect everyone.

Here are two quotes for you:

It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all

(William James, 1897)

No Risk is the Highest Risk of All

(Aaron Wildavsky, American Scientist, 1979)

The ideas outlined in these quotes have formed the pivotal factor in several aspects of human life. Wildavskyā€™s quote is worth reading up on. He postulates that an ā€œovercautious attitude toward new technological developments mayā€¦end up leaving us less safe than we were before.ā€

Iā€™ll take a look, Iā€™m not familiar with him - just shared the tweet as I agreed with the content which was well written and co-signed by Carl Heneghan who is well respected.

We cant protect everyone so we shouldnā€™t try protect anyone?

Wise words indeed.

Another possibly wiser man once said that itā€™s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.


Are you suggesting that thatā€™s what I am saying? I can assure you it isnā€™t. From the get-go, I have pointed to the madness of trying to prolong the lives of the very old and very sick by risking the lives of countless others through the knock-on impacts of mass unemployment; depression and suicide, stress and heart-attack, alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence, etc.

Thereā€™ll be 1 million people dead from or with covid globally tomorrow in a little over 6 months. Many of those would have died this year anyway and many of them wouldnā€™t. Thatā€™s a big number and itā€™s getting bigger and thatā€™s despite all the restrictions imposed upon us.

Do you think that number would be smaller if there were no restrictions?

Protecting the lives of the elderly and then bringing in euthanasia bills at the same time I find hard to reconcile. Where is the sense in that?


9 million people died of starvation globally last year. The UN have estimated that twice that number could die next year due to the economic impact of the pandemic. I would say it could be a lot worse, simply because deaths from famines have seriously declined over the past 5 decades as global poverty (starvation) has been largely eliminated due to economic growth.

You have to consider all sources of human misery and death, not just COVID. About 60 million people die every year, and 150 million are born, COVID isnā€™t going to wipe out humanity.


Youā€™ve consistently shown an inability to analyse numbers, so itā€™s not really worth debating with you on this. The ā€œdying with Covidā€ numbers are not worth much, and that has been proven beyond doubt. Also, close to 57 million people died globally in 2015. Weā€™ll probably be up on 60 million in 2020, but thatā€™s because the data has been trending that way since the mid- to late-seventies.

So you reckon itā€™s 50/50? Half the people who died were healthy specimens, and half were sick and dying already? Youā€™re a gas cunt.

Donā€™t debate then, if its not worth it.

Go and find someone whoā€™ll agree with you and give you a pat on the head

There is plenty of lads whoā€™ve snapped at a parent at the best of times & for less trivial issues.

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Weā€™re talking about covid, in a covid thread.

No one wants to answer that particular question I asked. Thereā€™ll be 1 million deaths attributed to covid tomorrow. How would that number look if there wasnā€™t an almost global response to the pandemic?

There are over 200k in the U.S alone. 70% over the age of 70 approx. Not all sick. The life expectancy is close to 80 in the U.S right? How much has life expectancy dropped since the start of the pandemic in the united states? And this is in the country that is medically best equipped to deal with the pandemic. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s a whole lot worse in less fortunate countries

That figure is highly contentiousā€¦ Someone with aids gets the flu and dies, do we attribute the death to the flu?


That is the figure we have. There exists a group that are in the inverse also, who died from covid but had no test, especially in less developed countries. Iā€™d imagine its somewhere close to correct

Not to mention a large percentage of those deaths that were just presumed Covid with no test.

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What less developed countries? In Ireland 80% of deaths were from people that would have died if you farted near themā€¦ Thatā€™s the sad truth.

But in reality you havenā€™t a fucking clue about the numbers, none of us do. Hospitals in the states are bloating the figures because itā€™s in their financial interest to do so.


1.5 million people died from TB in 2018 according to the WHO, why didnt we shut down the world for that?


India for example. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s any good over there given the population density and other societal issues