Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

You canā€™t consider COVID without considering the impact of the response to COVID. That why excess deaths are such a good measure and since May excess deaths are not a factor in most countries.

I think the US is a bit of a special case due to the high incidence of obesity and the health problems that go along with that, there are exceptions like with any disease but the great majority of deaths have comorbidities. .


I wonder is the opposite a reason as to how well Africa has done overall so far.

Would have younger populations etc.

Since May excess deaths arenā€™t issue but in february, march and april they were. Most countries hadnā€™t coordinated their responses fully until late april, early march.

TB is curable and preventable. Covid is neither.

Now the question becomes why werenā€™t people cured and why wasnt it prevented and the answer probably lies that it happened in places where lives are deemed to have less value.

Covid is a pandemic and is affecting affluent countries which is why we are seeing the response we are

But the evidence of the past few months is there are more cases than back then in many countries but much lower levels of deaths. As it spreads through the broader population we have a much better idea of mortality now and itā€™s not very high. A bad flu strain this winter could be much higher. What should we do then?

If the evidence stands up and is proven then Iā€™m sure thereā€™ll be an unwinding of restrictions globally. There is a reluctance there now because of uncertainty.

Eh, Covid is ā€œcurableā€. Most people never know they have it. 0.12 per cent die from it.

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Of course I havenā€™t a clue, Iā€™m giving my interpretation of them and using language like Iā€™d imagine on purpose.

How do you know itā€™s in hospitals best interests to inflate numbers?

Its well known and accepted in the US, mate

They have been paid more over there for a covid death - upto 3 times more even than a pneumonia etc

Not saying its across the board, but in struggling hospitals its not unfeasible given those numbers.

Surely theyā€™d be open to be hammered by civil cases for misdiagnosis here, if they are spoofing numbers

Its there for you in that piece mate,

Along with that the false positives coming from the PCR test could mean that at the moment weā€™re seeing roughly 2% of positive cases a day cc @Copper_pipe here,

Half of those could be false positives if thereā€™s a 1% false positive rate, Thats a huge red flag for me as well that isnt being discussed by RTE etc

Numbers have been spoofed from the start of this.


Relax mate

:rofl: Donā€™t be bringing facts into this discussion.

1.5 million dead from a preventable infectious illness, spread from person to person, through the air. Versus 1 million dead with (suspected) viral illness, spread from person to person, through the air.

One sees the erosion of personal freedoms through full-scale lockdowns and economic destruction, mandating face masks, etc., and the other sees fuck all. Is it because viral illnesses are now in vogue, and bacterial infections are last year?


The false positive number isnā€™t a percentage of only positive tests. Itā€™s a percentage of all tests.

It has a sensitivity rate of about 98% and a specificity of 99.99%

So say if there was a rate of 150 per 100k in dublin and you tested 100k people, with those rates youā€™d get 147 positives and incorrectly flag 10 as positive. .01% of 100k. So youā€™d have a true positive rate of 147/157, around 94%

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@Fagan_ODowd and @anon67715551 are the posters to draw any parallels with TB and sanatoriums. If I am correct the legislation underpinning the recent and ongoing lockdowns dates back to TB in the 40s

thats a nonsense unless every country in the world has the same strategy



And of even more consequence is the majority of our cases since they started increasing again have come from meat processing plants and direct provision centers.

Both of which Nphet have not helped at all.

Cloak and dagger daily distribution of case numbers seems to be all theyā€™re upto or capable of.

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Seemingly fuck all lockdowns restrictions happened in response to this maybe @anon67715551 @Fagan_ODowd can share some recollections?

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Do you think its nphets responsibility to ā€œhelpā€ meat processing plants and direct provision centres? What do you mean by help?

Yes @EstebanSexface

Theyā€™re supposed to be the experts advising the government about how to manage or control this pandemic.

Firstly, Iā€™d put social distancing measures in place ie, not have 3 or 4 lads living in one room in a direct provision centre, that would be a good start.

In relation to Meat plants, ensure all staff are paid if theyā€™re sick or have symptoms. A lot of the people working there canā€™t afford to call in sick etc and have gone into work and spread the thing,

Both of those measures would be a good start off the top of my head and would not be that hard to achieve rather than county lockdowns that just kick the can down the road.

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