Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They are separate and largely unrelated issues .

Most of the people she filmed were either going about their business , chatting casually or sitting outside having a bite and a few seemed to be having a drink . She was looking to boost her social media profile and it appears to have backfired .


I never thought it would come to this

Thereā€™s nothing thought of us, and weā€™re dropping dead out in the fields.

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Just seen this and it mad me so fucking angry. What an absolute wagon

And that goes back to more issues, the lack of contact tracing / isolation, the living conditions that are permitted and the sick pay issue.

Ray Shah at it now too

Are these snitches being paid to tout?

Delighted to give that the vital 25th like

Itā€™s bringing the Corona Karens out of the woodwork.

ā€œThese people are so irresponsible. Iā€™m living in dread of having a contact hit in my #covidtrackerapp. They are literally killing granny.ā€

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Are there facts out in the public to back that up?

Yes in fairness itā€™s one thing to tut tut at young bucks in Oliver Bond but you canā€™t be going shaming hipsters in South William Street.


Seven of the CRUCIAL days left guys. Hang in there.

I see she has taken down the tweet.
See these clowns donā€™t even have the conviction to stand over their virtue signalling.

She thought this was 6 months ago and everyone would be falling over themselves to tell her how right on she was.


Up until very recently you were pissing and moaning about these meat plants and their treatment of farmers.

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He didnā€™t mind shutting down food production when he was looking for an extra tuppence a kilo for his rock fed cattle.


Best not to comment on things you donā€™t understand, you simple townie cunt.


The tractors are circling.


You have spent 10 years on here doing exactly that. You snivelling, watery, Iā€™m alright Jack, pretend dope smoker. Get back under your bed cunt.


10 years of bliss to all.

Keep that skanger trap shut on matters beyond the M50 & be glad there are men & women working hard to supply your Porridge, Milk & Burgers.

Simple cunt

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