Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

The Chinese have one ready to rock and sure who’d know it better than the lads that made it in the first place

What vaccine?

Tell your auld lade you’re safer in poland than Monaghan @Tank

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Heard of a young FF supporter you was paralyzed from the neck down today but thankfully he soon regained the ability to tweet


And there you go. A fella who still hasn’t recovered from covid since March.

The Chinese will make a killing off it


Hold the line for 6-9 months pal. It’s crucial.

George Lee on the 9 o’clock news here talking about how fast the rate has jumped up in Monaghan and Roscommon but he doesn’t understand that these places are so small that one cluster has a huge effect and it doesnt really reflect that much on the actions of the great majority of people.

I’ve also been told that everyone in the Roscommon cluster except for the first guy who got tested were all asymptomatic.

You want them to scare people further with a story of a chap roaming around symptom free but positive spreading it freely?

You’re man here saying he’s wreaked for the last six months and couldn’t do a day’s work, as he’s sitting down beside his golf clubs :smile:

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Reasonable people don’t read the shite posted on here.

I genuinely would love to hear how many people are asymptomatic, how many of the hospitalized number are there because of COVID and are showing symptoms, rather than just happen to have it. Same with the ICU numbers.

I’m not sure why the HSE/NPHET wouldn’t have that information as it’s surely hugely relevant

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I just presumed everyone here was taking the piss?


Asymptomatic cases can still pass it on. They’re worse than symptomatic in terms of passing it on and passing it on to vulnerable people.

If you have it and dont know you have it, you go about your day whether that’s in a hospital or a betting office.

Test/Trace/Isolate is supposed to mitigate this but it looks like this is being ballsed up still.

Hope she is okay.

Still all a cod? Any ideas where she picked it up? Are ye all being tested, extended family.

But surely this information is useful for knowing how serious the illness actually is?

We know how serious it is from when it got hairy a few months back, for certain subsets of people


You’re bet on @PhattPike to be the first forum member to test positive for the virus still stands.

Well we don’t because we only tested a fraction of the cases at the time. The actual amount of cases was much, much higher than officially counted