Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

I have no recollection of that

Myself and two boys will need to be tested. No idea where picked it up - it could be current or weeks old they say as test does not distinguish. Only reason we know is she had the pre hospital test. Absolutely no symptoms so contact tracing limited to anybody she met in last 24 hours.

Iā€™m like yer man in airplane here

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HBV says you shouldnā€™t get yourself tested.

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Getting your Da tested?

Well we do because there was a lot of people in hospital, ICU and dying at the time

Iā€™m trying to find the thread where you logging the details of various affairs so I can bump it for youā€¦

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There was. Iā€™m not saying this isnā€™t serious but itā€™s entirely possible that it only affects a tiny, tiny percentage of the people who have it, and the results since seem to bear that out.

Itā€™s probably prudent.

Iā€™m looking for it myself.

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Should I cancel my staycation this weekend.

Ah lad.

I wouldnā€™t sleep a wink for days after that news.

But the more that have it the more likely the chances it will go bad for more people, is that not logical? They are trying to keep the numbers slow and steady rather than out of hand

It is logical.

Why would the numbers get out of hand now when they didnā€™t in April, when we had no masks (under advice) and we were slow to shut down?

I donā€™t think the response is proportionate

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You were heading into spring/summer vs autumn/winter?

They came close enough to be out of hand though, and then we locked down, severely.

I assume without evidence that it had been circulating widely before we started testing.

Seriously? Are you drinking tonight?

Thatā€™s possible. Itā€™s not seemed to matter much is other parts of the world and it doesnt appear to be seasonal

Are you smoking?

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You said the response isnā€™t proportionate.

The only thing thatā€™s locked down* is travel off the island. But even at that youā€™re only advised to isolate on return.

Almost all businesses are open now. Gatherings are still limited but itā€™s a pandemic, there has to be some response

*except for some establishments in places that were deemed high risk

A good pal of mine and his missus with the exact same story last week. Maybe herd immunity might be achieved in the 2nd wave.