Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died


Mate, you need to go talk to someone. You seem like a bright chap but this pandemic is ruining your buzz.

Get on with life, make the best of it. Every single day you are shiteing on with the same waffle which is doing no good whatsoever for you or anyone for that matter.

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George Lee must be absolutely delighted with this. His last big gig was the economic collapse.

His voice is just made for doom and gloom.

Heā€™ll get a whopping recession to revel in after this too.

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A question for those more informed than me.

Currently we are testing about 90k per week.

What was the testing rate back in Mar/Apr/May

Heard the law around Cashel werenā€™t impressed with a couple of a Publicans taking liberties over the weekend.
Videos doing the rounds.

Didnā€™t hear a thing. Havenā€™t had a pint in Tipp since Stephens day.

The auld lad went for a few last night after the West final and places were heaving.

Ah come on now mate thatā€™s fairly disingenuous. There are thousands of businesses more or less shut down in Dublin and about a quarter of the population of the country arenā€™t allowed leave Dublin.


Need to shut them all @Horsebox

There is no other way to contain this killer virus.

Tou can leave or enter on essential travel and the definition of essential travel is a fairly broad stroke.

What does more or less closed mean? They are open for business but under different regulation right?

Now thatā€™s disengeneous

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Tis, alright mate - but there is no alternative.

They might as well lock everything down now till a vaccine.

Weā€™re living in the alternative. Temporary closures when they get worried about the trends.

Every pub and restaurant in the capital is closed. Every nightclub is closed indefinitely. Underage sport stopped in the capital. Tourists are allowed from 4 countries* Tourism is struggling. Aviation is dead. I canā€™t have a gathering in my own home.

*I take a massive personal issue with this one. Bit of a rant but, In late March, I was working in the airport. It was still crowded but we were not provided with masks as the CMO and the likes of Luke Oā€™Neill CATEGORICALLY told us they were not effective and wouldnā€™t help.

Us and several other workers there questioned the logic of allowing flights from Italy, including Bergamo which was the epicenter of the outbreak in Europe at the time but again, we were CATEGORICALLY told that no restrictions could be placed on EU citizens coming into Ireland.

This may have impacted my trust in the NPHET and government agencies when it comes to this.


Iā€™m fine mate. My work will survive regardless.

I care about my country and just feel itā€™s being destroyed

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Waste of time mate,

You and I both know it.

Ah here do you watch the news at all? Have a walk around Dublin and tell me thereā€™s hardly any restrictions in place.

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Iā€™ve no need to go on essential travel. Cork will be the same soon I think. Iā€™ll know then

So your alternative is to lock every thing down and to hell with it and not try at all?

Didnt you have a staycation I Howth last weekend you greedy bastard. Take a barrel of Huel out to the shed with you and stay there for the next month.

Youā€™re missing the social life & nightclubs Iā€™d imagine.

Live your own life and the country will look after itself. Alternatively, stop wasting your time preaching here & join a political party maybe.

You remind of the lads whinging after a club AGM about so & so getting jobs but youā€™d never raise your own arm. :man_shrugging:

Youā€™re more than welcome not to read it.

I like to vent.

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