Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Might as well mate, delaying the inevitable at the moment and most people like yourself are all for it.

Youā€™ll have to cross reference the table with the Calendar :see_no_evil:

2020-W06 0 69
2020-W07 0 24
2020-W08 0 16
2020-W09 1 307
2020-W10 18 1063
2020-W11 110 3206
2020-W12 656 9310
2020-W13 1630 14877
2020-W14 2189 18566
2020-W15 4324 39166
2020-W16 5830 21458
2020-W17 3803 38901
2020-W18 2615 60626
2020-W19 1584 45541
2020-W20 1288 39468
2020-W21 534 30003
2020-W22 347 24309
2020-W23 254 18540
2020-W24 112 19034
2020-W25 79 18433
2020-W26 63 22111
2020-W27 72 42824
2020-W28 102 49107
2020-W29 139 50903
2020-W30 119 47048
2020-W31 240 27422
2020-W32 535 28426
2020-W33 547 54816
2020-W34 717 52061
2020-W35 812 62179
2020-W36 814 66676
2020-W37 1196 74796
2020-W38 1808 86079

Takes the format of

Week / Number of New Cases / Number of Tests Complete


Itā€™s repetitive mate. No new angle or evidence to back up the theories.

Carry on if it helps by all means but having a proper chat with someone mightnā€™t hurt.

Theres a difference between understanding it and being all for it.


Nothing is constant

Mate, with respect, you canā€™t talk about repetitiveness

I know. You should take my advice seriously

Youā€™re scared out of your wits pal, have been from the very start.

This viruses death numbers are not proportionate to destroying this country.

Unfortunately, my view is very much in the minority so we might as well go full lockdown now rather than getting peoples hopes up about a normal Christmas etc, having intercounty chapionships etc,

Keep the public safe. Itā€™ll only be temporary as you say.

He might try get elected and get the health ministry after this.

Iā€™ll field this

No, not an absolute hope.
Pharmaceutical companies are very risk averse and before they make something high volume it will need to have FDA approval first of all, expediting that process is very challenging and whilst there will be some collaborative research between companies most of them will go it alone and that will also prevent a solution being found quicker
I would estimate minimum 2.5 years

Donā€™t cry for me. Iā€™m already dead.

Destroying the country? Sounds scary. Are you scared?

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Iā€™m considering selling up and moving to Kerry kid.

If the cases are primarily in the the under 45 age category it is probably a lot more prevalent than imagined.

I posted in the Serie A thread that 14 of the Genoa match squad tested positive for it at the weekend after their game with Napoli, 11 of them were players with the remainder being backroom staff.

You could pretty much take it that they were all asymptomatic so itā€™s probably a lot higher right now than youā€™d imagine.

Who shit in your bovril?

Charlie Bird calling out the fear arising from the daily stats here.

Heā€™s an awful loss to RTE. Whatever you say about him heā€™d question what has been going on for months on end rather than parroting the government/NPHET line.


Somewhere in between Iā€™d estimate. Thereā€™s a massive effort underway, with 56 candidates in clinical trials and 9 of those in phase 3. Personally I think the Moderna vaccine has the best shot at being effective, and the phase 3 trial should be complete before the end of the calendar year. Convincing people of itā€™s safety and producing it in the numbers required will be the challenge, but Iā€™d cautiously say we will have a vaccine in wide circulation by March or April next year.

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Some head of hair on Charlotte.

Go somewhere with terrible WiFi please.

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