Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

They’ve all blurred into one for me.


If hospital cases are not rising will they go to Level 3. I’d say if they close businesses again in Dublin a fair few won’t reopen.

There is no guidance on what triggers a move up or down a level.

It would in fact sum up Micheal Martins stewardship of our country

The numbers in ICU have doubled in a week.
Hospitalisations steadily rising.
This is the same pattern as has been seen in other countries a few weeks ago.

My head is melted from the whole thing. I’d love for things to go back to normal.

It will be over by Christmas.

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Level 3 here we come so. That will be game over for a lot of businesses. Most won’t have the resources to last the next few months til the vaccine is announced. Once it’s announced we’ll have a few months of pretending we need to keep locked down til it is deployed but the vaccine will end the biggest enemy in all this - the uncertainty and fear of how long it drags on.

Is it even constitutional to just suspend the Dail?
The blueshirts have finally got their way. Forget about democracy altogether.

And Paddy was looking down on the Brits when Boris and Matt Hancock got the COVID.

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There probably won’t even be a fucking vaccine, have you not realised that yet.

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Was it not set up that the stupid fucks are socially distanced? Should they not just trace egg heads close contacts and carry on. Anyone with symptoms stay home. I’m seething.

There already is a vaccine. We’re just dotting some lower case j’s.

Ronan Glynn to restrict movements also.

Martin spoofing away here on Six-One. McCullogh is filleting him.

Wonder what doom-laden mandarin they’ll roll out as a blood-sub for him?

McCullagh getting very angry . He bollixed up at the start .

I get the impression there is no love lost on either side here .

Restrict movement not self isolate

Martin is such a muppet, he just doesn’t get it. He seems genuinely disconnected from reality. He’s so institutionalised that he thinks that normal people are going to read page 15 of the guidelines. I almost feel sorry for him, I think he believes a lot of his own shite. But even at that, he’s genuinely very stupid if he thought that the stage 2.5 was a good solution to his problem. Ultimately, he’s just not up to it, he doesn’t have what it takes. It’s sad.


Nope. Not correct