Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Think the incidence is much higher in certain areas of Cork. The overall population of the county is bringing it down.

This is a song about a a superhero named Tony…


Its per 100k

The country is saved.


The overall population has no bearing on it

Think about what you just said there for a minute


Aren’t you meant to be into numbers?

It’s the number of positive cases per 100k it’s not relative to the population


Germans and brits in West Cork saving the Cark savages.

My lass whole year has just been sent home for 2 weeks.
This is due to two positive tests in kids who are in no way ill.
I presume she will go back after, then rinse and repeat.
It’s a farce whatever way you look at it.
She’s gutted.

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It’s fair to say Leo is an opportunistic cunt who is blatantly playing both sides to the gallery.

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It’s per 100k not per the overall population.
If it was per the overall population the incidence rate would be lower.

if anything the incidence rate per 100k makes it look worse for Cork than if it was calculated versus the entire population.

Will they put the classes on line?

They already started. She got home at 12 and is upstairs on her class already (well she says she is)

There’s a woman in my office quarantining for ten days because her son’s teacher tested positive.

It’s mental. A whole year of perfectly well children home cos someone’s second cousin twice removed was on the bus with a lad that sneezed.


We are saved folks, we are SAVED. Dr Tony is coming back. Thank you lord jesus. :slight_smile:

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Tony is going to do a heel turn WWE style and be an OIUTF merchant