Coronavirus thread - 19/10/2020 - The Day Ireland Died

Us kids of the 80s practise safe sex


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She only had 8? Thatā€™s underthebedesque

They only go back 24 hours if no symptoms.

Well, thereā€™s gotta be a little rain sometime.

You sure he didnā€™t get it in the oval office sharing a cigar with Hope Hicks?

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How did they define a close contact?

Itā€™s pure bolloxing blaming one couple for infecting 30 or 40 or however many it was people.

People are picking it up left, right and centre so I donā€™t know how they prove everyone of those cases can be traced back to the couple.

Very unfair and could have a bad affect on the coupleā€™s mental health.


Somebody more than 15 minutes spent with and two meters close to.

They have another definition of a casual contact which I am not sure of

That would be rare enough in fairness. For eg who were her others beside the family?

Mental health is only a cod. Very few deaths from it.

Friends house. Out for a run with friends.

Itā€™s bullshit as they donā€™t distinguish indoors/outdoors.

Yeah I suppose youā€™d always err on the side of caution when declaring them too

You would hope she has better taste in men.

My wifeā€™s cousin got it very badā€¦ Was in hospital for about 2 monthsā€¦ventilatorā€¦ The whole lotā€¦ He is in bits still. . Anywayā€¦ He used to travel 2 hour journey to work everyday in car with 3 other ladsā€¦ They nor his wife never got it


Nolan says we are on track for 1300 cases a day and hospitals being overwhelmed by the end of the month

The cases are a cod. They are Covid detected. They donā€™t mean sick people.

No heā€™s wrong there cos McDonkey said 5,000 by the end of the month

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Iā€™m not sure we will ever figure it out and why some people have no symptoms but more I see and read we have to get on with living.

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Fear fest on the 9 o clock news tonight.

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Iā€™m baffled by it all.